Covid at Christmas: vaccination, wearing a mask… Elisabeth Borne’s latest recommendations before the holidays

This Tuesday, December 20, the Prime Minister, Élisabeth Borne, delivered her latest recommendations during an intervention at the Regional Health Agency (ARS) of Île-de-France.

The holidays are approaching and the Covid is still there. Combined with the epidemics of influenza and bronchiolitis, the virus is undermining hospital services again this winter.

“A message of responsibility”

Enough to push Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne to send “a message of responsibility to citizens” a few days before Christmas. “We all have a part and a role to play”, she insisted from the Regional Health Agency (ARS) of Île-de-France, as relayed BFM TV.

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Among her recommendations, the Matignon tenant insisted on the importance of wearing a mask “as soon as you are in an enclosed space where there are many of you”.

As a reminder, this Monday, December 19, the Covars had pointed out “the low effectiveness of recommendation messages” of wearing a mask, but considered that an obligation would weigh on “individual freedoms” and would disempower the population.

“It is also very important to be vaccinated against the flu and Covid, especially when you have to meet up with your family, continued the Prime Minister, recalling the “delay in vaccination” against these two epidemics. that way we can best help health professionals.”

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