Covid-19 report: still 283 new deaths in 24 hours but contaminations in free fall

In one day, the number of new cases of Covid-19 contamination fell by 70%, marking a real halt in the spread of the virus.

The number of patients positive for Covid and hospitalized continues to drop this Monday, February 21, to reach 28,383 patients, indicates Public Health France. They were 260 more on Sunday, and more than 31,000 a week ago. The same observation is made in critical care services, where a slight drop has been observed since Sunday: 2,905 Covid patients are currently being cared for there.

The number of deaths is still relatively high, since 283 deaths are to be deplored in hospitals in the past 24 hours according to health authorities, for a total of 108,953 deaths in French hospitals since the start of the epidemic.

Less than 18,000 new contaminations

Last point, and perhaps the most encouraging in this daily review: barely 17,195 new cases of Covid-19 have been identified by Public Health France in the last 24 hours, which represents a 70% drop in contamination compared to the day before. To realize what this represents: the incidence rate has been divided by four in three weeks.

The vaccination campaign is also progressing at a good pace, because 53,133,272 people now have a complete vaccination schedule.

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