Courteney Cox: Regrets about previous beauty treatments

Courteney Cox
Regrets about previous beauty treatments

Actress Courteney Cox nowadays.

© imago/Starface

Courteney Cox regrets Botox and Co. The “Friends” actress didn’t even notice how “weird” she looked.

Courteney Cox (57) looks back critically at previous beauty interventions. in one Interview with the style magazine of the “Sunday Times” the ‘Friends’ actress admitted she had taken questionable measures to preserve her youth for a while. She didn’t notice that she looked “weird”. Today she would do a lot differently.

“There was a time when I was like, ‘Oh, I’m changing. I look older,'” Cox admitted in an interview. In order to stop the external aging process, she resorted to “injections” and other measures.

“I have to stop. This is just crazy.”

In the interview, the actress was asked what caption she would choose if she had to post a photo from that era on Instagram. “The day you realize what your friends have been talking about,” was her response. Because Cox assumes that people must have gossiped about her procedures at the time. But she herself had never noticed that she “actually looked very strange”.

But there came a point when she said to herself, “I have to stop. It’s just crazy.” Today she would not endure any more interventions.

‘I’m a product whore’: Courtney Cox continues to invest heavily in her beauty

Even though she’s given up injections, Courteney Cox still puts a lot of time and energy into her appearance. After all, she continues to be under public scrutiny. “The pressure is intense but I don’t know if it could be more intense than what I’m putting on myself,” she said.

She tries out a lot of new products, said the actress, who recently returned to the cinema with “Scream 5”: “I’m a product whore, I’ll try everything.”


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