Court sentenced Tornado Cash developer to 90 days in prison pending charge

A judge in the Netherlands has ruled that Tornado Cash developer Alexey Pertsev faces 90 days in prison pending charges as the crypto community demands the developer’s release.

Crypto investor Ryan Adams saythat developers have done good things for the public While he was writing the code for Tornado Cash, “a few bad guys” decided to use Pertsev’s code, and now developers have to bear the consequences.

In addition to Adams, crypto researcher Jill Gunter alsonotedThat there is not enough information about Pertsev’s arrest, with Gunter describing the state of the allegations as confusing and how it would turn out to be. “A terrible problem”

in amsterdam Demonstrators gathered to demand the release of the developer, chanting “open source is not a crime” and protesters urging the government to catch criminals. not a developer

Crypto teacher Matthew Green also criticized Dutch police for arresting Pertsev by him.saythat while he didn’t know what the developer did to deserve his arrest But it seems the police don’t know either.

On Aug. 12, developer Tornado Cash was arrested on suspicion of money laundering involvement. Authorities in the Netherlands say the transaction concealment service is used to hide large flows of money from criminals and for crypto scams and hacks.

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