Court seized to block Pornhub and four other sites accessible to minors

Seized in 2020 by three associations – the Observatory of Parenthood and Digital Education (Open), the National Union of Family Associations (Unaf) and the French Council of Associations for the Rights of the Child (Cofrade) – the Superior Audiovisual Council (CSA) had given notice at the end of 2021 to the publishers of Pornhub, Tukif, Xhamster, Xnxx and Xvideos “to comply with the legal obligation” to block minors’ access to their content, in a period of fifteen days. In vain.

The Audiovisual and Digital Communication Regulatory Authority (Arcom), born in January from the merger of the CSA and Hadopi, thus took legal action on Tuesday to request the blocking of five pornographic sites – Pornhub, Tukif, Xhamster, Xvideos and Xnxx – summoned in vain since December to prevent minors from accessing their content. “We have decided to take legal action” because the “formal notices” sent to these sites have not been followed up, announced the president of Arcom, Roch-Olivier Maistre, on the sidelines of a conference. of press on the representation of women on television and radio.

Pornhub and company soon “more accessible from French territory”?

The media regulator has “seized the president of the Paris court to order the main internet service providers to prevent access” to these sites, the body developed in a press release. “If justice so decides, the publishers’ sites will no longer be accessible from French territory or via their addresses located on the territory”, specifies Arcom.

Internet users “will then be automatically redirected to an information page explaining” this blocking. If necessary, Arcom may also take legal action if “the blocked sites are made accessible from other addresses (“mirror sites”)” and “remain accessible to minors”. He may also “ask the judge to order” their delisting “by search engines and directories”.

The penal code prohibits exposing minors to porn photos and videos

As a reminder, the penal code prohibits exposing minors to pornographic photos and videos and the law on domestic violence of July 30, 2020 specifies that the companies concerned cannot exonerate themselves from their responsibilities by simply asking an Internet user if he is of age.

Pornhub and Xhamster, established in Cyprus, belong to the porn giant MindGeek, which also owns YouPorn, which is legally domiciled in Luxembourg. Xvideos and Xnxx are installed in the Czech Republic and Tukif in Portugal. At the end of December, Porndig had counter-attacked by seizing the CSA, considering it unfair that other sites, like YouPorn, were not targeted.

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