Court rejects AfD lawsuit against Islam lesson – Bavaria

The planned Islamic classes at Bavaria’s schools will not be stopped by the courts for the time being. The Bavarian Constitutional Court rejected a corresponding urgent application from the AfD parliamentary group, as the court announced on Friday in Munich. The aim of the urgent application was to prevent the introduction of the new school subject in the next school year for constitutional reasons by means of an interim order. According to the court, the decision was made on Thursday.

The court justified its decision, among other things, with the course of the legislative procedure in the state parliament. The AfD had “raised no concrete constitutional doubts about the amendment law, but only raised unspecific legal concerns and raised political reservations about Islamic teaching.” Furthermore, there are “considerable doubts as to whether the announced future popular lawsuit would be admissible” and the challenged regulations are clearly unconstitutional, neither for formal nor for material reasons.

A few weeks ago, the state government and the state parliament decided to introduce Islamic classes in order to be able to make an offer to the numerous Muslim students in Bavaria’s schools, the content of which is subject to state control. In its decision, the court also rejected the AfD’s criticism that the introduction of Islamic classes violated the state’s neutrality requirement.


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