Court orders the hanging of three men guilty of rape

New executions in Iran. Three people convicted of rape and sexual assault were hanged Thursday in Shiraz, in the south of the country, more than a year after their arrest.

“This gang of three had committed armed robbery, assaulted and raped several women last year,” said the attorney general of Fars province.

According to Amnesty InternationalIran executes more convicts than any other country except China.

11 death sentences in connection with the protests

Iranian justice said it had pronounced 11 death sentences in connection with the demonstrations which shook the country since the death on September 16 of the young Iranian Kurd, Mahsa Amini, after her arrest by the vice police.

Two first executions have already taken place in the context of the demonstrations. Majidreza Rahnavard, 23, was hanged in public on December 12. He had been found guilty of killing two members of the security forces with a knife.

Mohsen Shekari, also 23, had been executed four days earlier. He had been found guilty of injuring a member of the security forces. Activists say a dozen other people face charges that carry the death penalty.

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