Costarmorican Sarah Conan elected Miss Brittany

She will represent her Breton region on December 11 at the Zénith in Caen on the occasion of the election of Miss France. Aged 22, Sarah Conan was elected Miss Brittany on Sunday afternoon in Ploemeur (Morbihan), succeeding Finistère Julie Foricher, who was elected last year.

Originally from Lézardrieux in the Côtes-d’Armor, the young woman is a master’s student in a business school option management and marketing in Rennes. Sunday, it was Amandine Petit, Miss Normandy and Miss France 2021, who presented her with her regional crown.

Surf fan, like Laury Thilleman

Passionate about sport – she practices handball and surfing – the slender young woman of 1.74 m took part in the beauty contest for the first time. “It’s all new to me. I did not know how to parade, to stage myself for the photos and I had a priori on the atmosphere of the competition, ”she explained. to the website before the election. The last Miss Brittany to win the contest was another surf fan. Laury Thilleman was elected Miss France 2011.

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