Correctiv research: Young people demand a political reaction

Study by the Körber Foundation
According to Correctiv research: Young people hold parties accountable

Around a quarter of the young respondents said they had gone to demonstrate after the secret meeting was revealed (symbolic image)

© Michael Kuenne / Picture Alliance

According to the results of Correctiv’s research into a right-wing extremist secret meeting, teenagers and young adults are demanding a reaction from politicians. A study by the Körber Foundation examined the reactions of 12 to 25 year olds to the debate.

Correctiv’s research into a secret meeting of right-wing extremists and AfD officials in Even months later, Potsdam continues to concern many people. At demonstrations across the country people are speaking out against right-wing extremism. There are people from many political camps and age groups. A representative study by the Körber Foundation has now looked intensively into the thoughts of 12 to 25 year olds. According to the research results, anger, sadness and fear dominate among them.

Overall, the report about the secret meeting in Potsdam reached 75 percent of children and young adults. Young people with a migration history in particular say they are worried about being affected by the “remigration” plan, a total of 73 percent. The graphic shows which emotions the research evoked in all respondents.

The most commonly expressed emotions were anger (37 percent), sadness (31 percent) and fear (24 percent). Less commonly expressed emotions included helplessness, indifference, and contentment.

Differences between young people with and without a migration history

In assessing Correctiv’s research results, the researchers were able to identify some differences between people with and without experience of flight and migration.

42 percent of people without a migration history said they would not get the results. That is almost twice as many respondents as among people with a migration history. This group is primarily concerned about themselves and their own families (45 percent). Both groups showed equal concerns about their private environment.

According to Correctiv research: Young people want to deal openly with the topic of racism

With regard to a social reaction to the news, a majority of 12 to 25 year olds call for an open approach to the topic. Almost two thirds of those surveyed (65 percent) would like adults to talk to them about racism and the dangers of right-wing extremism. In addition, children and young adults see democratic parties as having a duty to do something about “remigration” plans (47 percent).

Another 37 percent think it is important to demonstrate against it themselves. Almost one in four of those surveyed has already put this plan into practice and has been to an anti-right-wing demonstration in the last few weeks.

A total of 2,000 teenagers and young adults were surveyed about the results of the Correctiv research. The participants are a representative sample of the German population, quoted and weighted according to age, gender and region. The interviews were conducted between February 13 and February 19, 2024.

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