Coronavirus pandemic: ++ vaccination offers at universities planned from autumn ++

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Status: 07/01/2021 8:59 a.m.

According to the head of the Chancellery, Braun, there will be vaccinations for students in universities from the new semester. Health insurance chief Gassen warns of “scare tactics” because of the Delta variant. All developments in the live blog.

  • RKI reports 892 new infections / seven-day incidence at 5.1
  • The head of the health insurance company warns against scare tactics because of the Delta variant
  • Doctors: Almost only long-term patients in intensive care units
  • Spahn apparently wants to procure more than 200 million vaccine doses for 2022

8:59 a.m.

Schools are getting ready for the start after the holidays

After the summer vacation, the students should return to the classrooms and no longer attend classes from home. In the federal states there is optimism that it will also work with face-to-face teaching. Only when it comes to precautionary measures, such as the installation of air filters, do the federal states and municipalities use different concepts.

8:50 a.m.

Lindner: Prepare for the fourth wave

FDP leader Christian Lindner believes that the federal and state governments should arm themselves for a possible fourth wave in order to prevent a new lockdown. “We have to ensure that we react to a possible fourth wave with other, more innovative and milder means,” he said in an interview with the “Handelsblatt”.

In view of the severe “social and economic damage” last year, Germany could “not allow itself” to go into another lockdown, warned Lindner and called for air cleaning devices in schools and public institutions, hygiene concepts and a further strengthening of the digital infrastructure of the health authorities . In addition, booster vaccinations would have to be planned.

8:35 a.m.

Sales growth in retail

The easing of the corona measures is also noticeable in the sales figures of shops and stores. According to the Federal Statistical Office, retail sales rose by 4.5 percent in May compared to the previous month. Adjusted for prices (real), sales rose by 4.2 percent.

8:27 am

Report: Tokyo is considering extending strict requirements

Strict corona measures are currently in place in the Japanese metropolis of Tokyo and three surrounding prefectures, but they are due to expire on July 11. But in view of the increasing number of infections, the measures could be extended, as reported by the Reuters news agency. It is questionable to what extent an extension would affect the Olympic Games, which start in Tokyo on July 23.

8:18 am

It flickers on the canvases again

For a long time, film fans had to do without going to the cinema, but now the movie theaters can reopen – however, some corona requirements remain.

8:09 am

Federal government relies on more vaccinations for younger people

In the fight against the corona pandemic, the federal government hopes that younger age groups will also be vaccinated against the corona virus in the near future.

This applies to students, for example. “Between the federal government and the federal states, for example, we have agreed to offer vaccinations that are easily accessible at universities at the start of the semester,” announced Chancellor Helge Braun to the newspapers of the Neue Berliner Redaktionsgesellschaft as well as the “Stuttgarter Zeitung” and the “Stuttgarter Nachrichten”.

He also hopes, Braun continues, that the Standing Vaccination Commission will expand its vaccination recommendations for children and adolescents from the age of twelve. The STIKO had initially only spoken out about the vaccination of previously ill children. However, according to Braun, experience with vaccinations for this age group in other countries, such as the USA, would speak in favor of broader vaccination for 12 to 16 year olds.

07:28 am

Bavaria: PCR tests are no longer free of charge everywhere

As of today, residents in Bavaria have to pay for PCR tests in medical practices and in test centers set up by resident doctors if they do not have any corona symptoms. The test is only free of charge in municipal test centers.

07:05 am

Statistician criticizes insufficient data collection

From the point of view of the chairman of the German Statistics Working Group, Tim Friede, insufficient data was collected in the past year to improve the fight against pandemics in Germany. “Only with scientific evaluations that (…) are based on a very broad basis can the necessary decision-making aids be made available to politicians in the shortest possible time,” said Friede.

According to Friede, the often-used argument of data protection was partly felt by him. He had experienced several times “that scientific use of data with reference to data protection was refused”.

6:58 am

Low effectiveness of CureVac

In studies, the CureVac vaccine is only 48 percent effective. The vaccine works a little better in younger age groups, but the Ministry of Health will not initially rely on the active ingredient.

Corona vaccine from Curevac is only 48 percent effective

Marcel Wagner, SWR, July 1, 2021 5:59 am

6:51 am

Indonesia is planning emergency measures

As the news agency Reuters reports, strict corona restrictions are to come into force in Indonesia this coming weekend. This should include restrictions in air traffic and personal freedom of movement, and the number of employees who work in presence in offices should also be temporarily reduced.

06:46 am

Gassen warns of “scaremongering” because of the Delta variant

The chief executive of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, Andreas Gassen, has warned against scare tactics in view of the delta variant of the corona virus. Compared to the editorial network Germany Gassen spoke of an almost “hysterical” mood.

“Delta is more contagious, but according to current knowledge probably not significantly more dangerous than the previous variants,” emphasized Gassen. It could well be that the number of infections will rise again.

But so far there are no well-founded indications that this will also increase the proportion of serious illnesses, especially since vaccinated people are reliably protected.

Alarmism and “end-of-time scenarios” are completely out of place, according to Gassen.

06:40 am

EU-wide start of the vaccination certificate

The trip on vacation should become much easier with the help of the digital vaccination certificate. However, not all EU countries are already equipped to handle the certificate smoothly. An overview of where there are still problems.

July 1st: The digital vaccination certificate comes into force across Europe. What does he bring?

Helga Schmidt, ARD Brussels, July 1, 2021 5:54 a.m.

05:39 am

Lauterbach makes booster vaccinations dependent on delta spread

The SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach makes possible booster vaccinations dependent on the further spread of the Delta virus variant. “As soon as cases are observed in which there is an infection, for example with the dangerous Delta variant and also serious disease courses, despite two vaccinations, one will call for booster vaccination,” Lauterbach told the newspaper “Rheinische Post”. At the moment, however, it is not yet certain whether the delta variant will “prevail against vaccinations”.

It may well be that in six months the first booster vaccinations will be necessary for those who were immunized earlier this year. “Their vaccination was already a year ago. And it mainly affects the elderly or previously ill, ie the group with the highest risks.” The necessary vaccine capacities are available.

4:57 am

RKI reports 892 new infections – incidence at 5.1

The German health authorities reported 892 new corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute within one day. The RKI gave the seven-day incidence nationwide as 5.1 (previous day: 5.2; previous week: 6.6). According to this information, 63 deaths were recorded across Germany within 24 hours.

A week ago there were 93 dead. The RKI has counted 3,729,033 detected infections with Sars-CoV-2 since the beginning of the pandemic.

3:09 am

Report: Spahn plans to have more than 200 million vaccine doses in 2022

According to a newspaper report, Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) wants to procure 204 million corona vaccine doses for the coming year. “Thus a supply of a little more than two doses per inhabitant would be expected for Germany including the safety reserve,” quoted the “Handelsblatt” from a report by the Ministry of Health for the federal cabinet. According to the report, it is advisable “to secure additional amounts of vaccine in good time to protect against mutations and booster vaccinations”. This could cushion possible delivery failures or other unforeseen problems such as vaccine safety. Overall, the ministry expects costs of 3.9 billion euros in 2022.

3:09 am

Intensive care physicians: Almost only long-term patients on Covid wards

Almost only long-term patients are treated in the Covid intensive care units of the German clinics. “The vast majority of the around 600 Covid patients in intensive care units are long-term patients,” says Gernot Marx, President of the German Interdisciplinary Association for Intensive and Emergency Medicine, to the newspapers of the Funke media group. In individual cases there are also new admissions, but many of the patients in the hospitals have been in intensive care for months. Most Covid intensive care patients are between 50 and 70 years old.

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