Coronavirus pandemic: ++ STIKO checks booster recommendation ++

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Status: 02.11.2021 4:13 a.m.

The STIKO wants to decide on a general recommendation for booster vaccinations at short notice. The restaurant association criticizes different corona control regulations.

04:13 am

BDI President: Politicians must do more against Corona

The President of the Federation of German Industries (BDI), Siegfried Russwurm, has called on the federal and state governments to do significantly more against the rapidly increasing number of new corona infections. “Politicians threaten to make the same mistake as they did in autumn last year, when politics shied away from consistent and centrally effective measures,” Russwurm told the dpa news agency. “The federal and state governments must quickly jointly create a clear federal legal basis so that companies can apply protective measures based on 3G in a comprehensible and planned manner for their employees in the coming weeks,” said Russwurm. The decision to lift the epidemic situation of national scope is the wrong signal: “In view of the rapidly increasing number of infections, it does not do justice to the seriousness of the situation to publicly indicate the imminent normal situation.”

4:07 am

Vaccination committee checks general booster recommendation

The Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) wants to decide at short notice whether booster vaccinations against the coronavirus are recommended for everyone in Germany. “The Standing Vaccination Commission is currently examining very intensively whether it will recommend booster vaccinations for all population groups,” said the chairman of the STIKO, Thomas Mertens, to the newspapers of the “Funke Mediengruppe”. There are data from international studies that speak in favor of it, but it must be examined to what extent these results can be transferred to Germany. “A decision will be made in a few weeks,” said Mertens. So far, the STIKO has recommended booster vaccinations for people aged 70 and over.

3:50 a.m.

City council against reactivation of vaccination centers

The cities have criticized the debate over a short-term reactivation of vaccination centers for corona booster vaccinations. A vaccination center is not a flashlight that can be switched off and on again depending on the mood, it said in a letter from the German Association of Cities to the health ministers of the countries, as reported by the dpa news agency. Structures have been changed, areas have been used for other purposes, and staff have been redeployed. Such a change of direction is incomprehensible. The cities would of course be ready to maintain their low-threshold vaccination offers and, if necessary, to expand them.

03:47 am

Montgomery calls for swift booster vaccinations for everyone

The chairman of the World Medical Association, Frank Ulrich Montgomery, has called for the widest possible use of booster vaccinations against the corona virus. “Everyone who was fully vaccinated six months ago should get a booster vaccination soon,” he told the newspapers of the “Funke Mediengruppe”. A new, central vaccination campaign is needed this autumn, which is not only aimed at the unvaccinated, but also promotes general booster vaccinations. Montgomery stated, “Because immune protection declines after six months, we as a society must have an interest in keeping protection stable.” He asked for the booster vaccinations to be given to the general practitioners. They have the experience and capacities for this.

3:45 a.m.

School management association sees problems with first graders

According to the General German School Management Association, the long day-care center closings due to the Corona crisis have led to serious problems for the first graders who have started school this year. The fact that many children went to kindergarten irregularly or not at all for months made them less suitable for groups, said Gudrun Wolters-Vogeler, chairwoman of the association, of “Welt”. “Classify yourself, put your own needs aside, wait until it’s your turn: such basic skills are less taught in families than in daycare.”

Even in normal years, first graders are usually expected to develop up to three years, according to Wolters-Vogeler. In the meantime you are at least four years old. “Some of the children have to get used to it, as is usual in the daycare center, and that under the hygiene conditions of Corona. This presents schools with a similar challenge as the integration of children without school experience in the 2015 refugee crisis,” said Wolters-Vogeler.

03:43 am

Dehoga criticizes control clutter

The German Hotel and Restaurant Association (Dehoga) has criticized a jumble of control regulations. “How and what has to be controlled by the hotels and restaurants results from 16 corona regulations of the federal states,” said Dehoga chief executive Ingrid Hartges the “editorial network Germany”. “The regulations on this are different. In almost all federal states, the hospitality industry is obliged to check the relevant evidence, without always explicitly stating how this control is to be carried out.”

03:41 am

The live blog from Monday to read

The virologist Stürmer has called for vaccinations to be allowed for children under the age of 12 – they are particularly in need of protection. Indonesia was the first country to approve the vaccine from the US manufacturer Novavax. The developments from Monday to read.

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