Coronavirus pandemic: ++ RKI reports 6726 new infections ++

Live blog

Status: 07.09.2021 04:49 a.m.

The RKI reported 6726 new infections in the morning. According to the pharmacists’ association, general practitioners will soon be able to vaccinate with Moderna. All developments in the live blog.

04:49 am

RKI reports 6726 new infections – the incidence drops slightly to 83.8

The Robert Koch Institute reports 6726 new positive tests. That is 976 more than on Tuesday a week ago, when 5750 new infections were reported. The seven-day incidence drops to 83.8 from 84.3 the previous day. 59 other people died related to the virus. This increases the number of reported deaths within 24 hours to 92,413. In total, more than four million corona tests have so far been positive in Germany.

04:49 am

Pharmacists Association: Family doctors will soon be able to vaccinate with Moderna

After the vaccination centers in Germany are closed, doctors in private practice are also supposed to vaccinate the vaccine from the US manufacturer Moderna. “We will also be able to deliver the Moderna vaccine to doctors ‘practices from October onwards. I’m very sure of that,” says Thomas Preis, head of the North Rhine Pharmacists’ Association, of the Rheinische Post newspaper (Tuesday edition). This is important so that first or follow-up vaccinations with Moderna can also take place in the doctor’s offices. At the moment, the Moderna vaccine is only inoculated in the vaccination centers and clinics.

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