Coronavirus pandemic: ++ New rules in Baden-Württemberg ++

From today on, the incidence no longer determines everyday life in Baden-Württemberg, but the 3G rule. The number of corona patients in hospitals in France is increasing. All developments in the live blog.

02:47 am

Karliczek: Unvaccinated children are entitled to face-to-face classes

Federal Minister of Education Anja Karliczek (CDU) rules out restrictions for unvaccinated children and young people in schools. “For me and also the education ministers of the federal states it is clear that there can be no so-called 2G regulation in schools. Even those who cannot or do not want to be vaccinated have a right to access to lessons,” she says of the “Rheinische Post Office”.

02:33 am

Baden-Württemberg: Relaxation for vaccinated or convalescent

A new Corona regulation with far-reaching relaxations for people who have been vaccinated and who have recovered from the virus comes into force in Baden-Württemberg today. Those who belong to one of these two groups enjoy greater freedom in many areas from the beginning of the week, regardless of local or regional corona incidences.

In contrast, those who have not been vaccinated and those who have not recovered have to show negative rapid antigen tests much more frequently than before, and these must not be older than 24 hours.

02:33 am

Söder for further corona limit values

According to the head of the CSU, Markus Söder, the federal and state governments should agree on new limits and thresholds before the general election. Because of the numerous vaccinations, the incidence alone is no longer good, says Söder of the “Bild”.

In addition to the incidence, hospitalization and the vaccination rate are part of it, in order to be able to decide from which number and which vaccination rate one can assume a relatively low risk of spread. It must be clear to everyone that the incidences would rise before the general election.

02:33 am

More corona patients in France

In France, the number of corona patients in hospitals continues to rise. As the health authorities announced, 399 new Covid-19 patients were admitted within 24 hours. There were now a total of 9798 corona patients in French hospitals.

The number of Covid-19 patients who require intensive medical treatment is also increasing in France. With 73 patients who were newly admitted to intensive care units within 24 hours, it is now 1852.

02:33 am

Health insurance companies: Use telephone sick leave

The head of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds, Doris Pfeiffer, has called on the insured to continue to use the telephone sick leave and video consultation hours in view of the spread of the delta variant of the corona virus. It must continue to be about avoiding contagion. To this end, the health insurances have created regulations to avoid contact, such as telephone sick leave or video consultation hours. “We should continue to be very careful, despite the progress in vaccination,” emphasized Pfeiffer.

Due to a special pandemic regulation, patients with mild respiratory illnesses could have a sick leave call for up to seven days. The corresponding decision was extended to the end of September.

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