Coronavirus pandemic: Incidence rises to a new high

Status: 03.02.2022 07:06

The RKI reports 236,120 new infections and an incidence of 1283.2. The situation in the hospitals remains stable. Meanwhile, STIKO is preparing a recommendation for a fourth vaccination.

The number of new corona infections and the nationwide seven-day incidence continue to rise. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported 236,120 new infections within 24 hours. A week ago the number was 203,136.

According to the RKI, the seven-day incidence is currently 1283.2. Yesterday it was 1227.5, a week ago it was 1017.4. The incidence quantifies the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants over a period of seven days.

Hospitalization incidence decreased slightly

The hospitalization incidence increased slightly compared to yesterday. According to the RKI, it is 4.77. The previous day it was 4.59. A week ago that gave a hospitalization incidence of 4.64.

The hospitalization incidence indicates how many patients infected with corona per 100,000 inhabitants came to the hospital within seven days. These may also include patients who had to go to the clinic because of another illness but tested positive for corona.

The RKI also reported 164 deaths within 24 hours. A week ago there were 188 deaths.

STIKO wants to recommend a fourth vaccination

Experts assume that more and more cases are not recorded in the RKI data because the test capacities are exhausted and the health authorities are working at the limit.

Some cities and counties have also been reporting problems with transmitting the number of cases for several days. Due to late reports, there have been new calculations by the RKI over the past few days.

The Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) is now preparing a recommendation for a fourth corona vaccination. Data from Israel have shown that a fourth vaccination brings a “certain improvement in protection against infection and a clearer improvement in protection against serious illness,” said STIKO chairman Thomas Mertens to the newspapers of the Funke media group.

Adapted vaccines are not part of the recommendation

In Israel, people over 60, immunocompromised and medical workers have already received the fourth vaccination. All adults with previous illnesses can now be vaccinated a fourth time.

Adapted vaccines for the omicron variant are not part of the recommendation for the time being. “With regard to the vaccines that have been adapted to the omicron variant, the Commission must first wait for the data from the Moderna and Biontech/Pfizer clinical trials,” said Mertens.

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