Coronavirus pandemic: ++ Hillary Clinton tested positive ++

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Status: 03/23/2022 01:04 a.m

Former US Secretary of State and former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has been infected with the corona virus. According to a study, many small companies are dissatisfied with the Corona aid. The developments in the live blog.

1:04 a.m

Ex-US Secretary of State Clinton tested positive

Former US presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been infected with the corona virus. A test was positive and she had the symptoms of a mild cold, the 74-year-old wrote on Twitter. She feels good and is “more grateful than ever” for the protection of the vaccinations, which protect against serious illnesses. Her husband, former US President Bill Clinton (75), had a negative corona test and felt good. The family will isolate themselves at home and are grateful for “movie recommendations,” she wrote.

The prominent Democrat Clinton, who was Secretary of State under ex-President Barack Obama from 2009 to 2013, ran against Republican Donald Trump in the 2016 election. She lost the election and then largely withdrew from politics.

12:47 a.m

Study: Small companies dissatisfied with Corona aid

Many small companies are dissatisfied with the speed, communication and administrative effort of the federal government’s corona aid. This was the result of a joint study by research institutes and the Bertelsmann Foundation, reports the editorial network Germany. “Targeting, needs-orientation and fair, quick and smooth access to help should be better organized in future crises,” said co-author Alexandra David from Gelsenkirchen University.

12:44 a.m

Tuesday’s live blog to read

Hungary’s Prime Minister Orban has asked the EU to release the blocked money from the Corona reconstruction fund. Spain wants to lift the obligation to isolate at home for mild symptoms. Tuesday’s live blog to read.

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