Coronavirus pandemic: ++ county council calls for plan for exit ++

Live blog

Status: 10/6/2021 7:53 a.m.

The president of the district assembly, Sager, calls for a joint plan on how the corona restrictions can be ended. According to the RKI, the seven-day incidence drops to 63.3. All developments in the live blog.

  • Spahn and Wieler are preparing for autumn
  • According to the RKI, the incidence was 62.3
  • County council calls for an exit from restrictions

07:53 am

Lower Saxony: Insults and threatening emails against school administrators

Since the beginning of classes after the summer holidays, schools in Lower Saxony have been confronted with violent attacks from parents because of the corona measures. “It’s about individual cases, but each one is one too many,” said the spokesman for the Ministry of Culture in Hanover, Sebastian Schumacher, the dpa news agency. Parents tried to obtain exemption from the presence, test or mask requirement with dubious certificates and threatened school administrators with lawsuits. In individual cases, school administrators and teachers received threatening emails or were verbally abused. The ministry did not provide any figures on the incidents.

The chairman of the school management association, Andrea Kunkel, said that at every school there is the issue that parents do not want their children to be tested. Attendance has been compulsory again since the summer holidays. According to the Ministry of Culture, anyone who fails to attend classes because he or she does not want to do any corona self-tests is treated like a “truant”.

07:48 am

Corona and flu – Spahn and Wieler are preparing for autumn

The feared increase in corona and flu infections in autumn and winter is the topic of the federal press conference at 10 a.m. in Berlin today. Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) and the President of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Lothar Wieler, will appear before the public together. The focus should be on vaccination. The chairman of the Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko), Thomas Mertens, is also there.

In its latest weekly report, the RKI predicted an increase in the corona numbers. The reasons given by the RKI are that there are still a large number of unvaccinated people and that indoor contacts increase in autumn. Doctors also fear a wave of flu.

06:24 am

District day calls for way out of measures

The president of the district assembly, Reinhard Sager (CDU), has called for the corona measures to be gradually relaxed. “The federal and state governments should agree on an exit path that will lead us out of the pandemic-related restrictions,” he told the newspapers of the Funke media group. “That must be discussed openly, otherwise dissatisfaction with political decisions on Corona will continue to grow.”

He said: “We are optimistic that we will slowly but surely grow out of the pandemic. Politicians should also send this signal.” To do this, it is necessary to further increase the vaccination rate. “Should there be large vaccination gaps in certain professional groups such as educators, teachers and nurses, a vaccination requirement for these activities must be considered,” he said.

6:23 am

Seven-day incidence drops to 62.3

The nationwide seven-day incidence of new corona infections fell again slightly to 62.3. As the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported, citing data from the health authorities, 11,547 new infections with the corona virus and 76 further deaths were registered within one day. The day before, the seven-day incidence was 63.6, a week ago it was 61. The value indicates the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within a week. A total of 93,959 people have died in Germany in connection with a corona infection since the beginning of the pandemic. According to the RKI, the total number of infections since the beginning of the pandemic is 4,271,734.

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