Coronavirus live blog: ++ Third-party vaccination: Statutory doctors for STIKO recommendation ++

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Status: 01.09.2021 02:03 a.m.

The National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians calls for a STIKO recommendation for the third corona vaccination. Justice Minister Lambrecht considers an employer’s right to information about the vaccination status of employees to be justifiable in exceptional cases. The developments in the live blog.

  • Statutory health insurance physicians are calling for a STIKO recommendation on third-party vaccination

02:03 am

Hospital society: Vaccination status should be allowed to be queried

According to the German Hospital Society (DKG), companies should be able to query the vaccination status of their employees. “Knowledge of the vaccination status can be important information for employers in order to be able to take into account the protection against infection in the workplace. The employer should know whether he is taking a risk, for example, when working in open-plan offices or when meetings take place in person “, said the DKG chairman of the board Gerald Gaß of the” Rheinische Post “.

At the same time, Gaß emphasized that employers in hospitals already have such a right to information: “In contrast to other sectors, employers in the health care sector have had the option of recording the vaccination status of their employees since 2016. The current discussion in this regard concerns the So not clinics. ” In any case, the proportion of vaccinated employees in the hospitals is high: “The vaccination rates in the hospitals are predominantly at a level between 80 and 90 percent. Real vaccination refusals are rarely to be found. Where the rates have not yet reached this high level , there has to be an individual explanation of those who have not yet made a conscious decision, “the DKG boss added.

1:31 am

Minister of Justice: Obligation to provide information on vaccination status only as an exception

Federal Minister of Justice Christine Lambrecht considers the employer’s right to information about the vaccination status of his employees to be justifiable only in exceptional cases. “Health data of employees are particularly sensitive, including the question of a vaccination against the coronavirus,” said the SPD politician in the newspapers of the Funke media group. A right to information is only conceivable in certain cases “in which it is a matter of special hazardous situations”.

Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU), in his own words, recently tended to change the Infection Protection Act so that employers can ask about the vaccination status of employees for at least the next six months. Economics Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) is also in favor. The German Federation of Trade Unions, however, strictly rejects the plans with reference to data protection.

12:29 am

Statutory health insurance physicians are calling for a STIKO recommendation for the third corona vaccination

The statutory health insurance physicians are demanding a recommendation from the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) for booster vaccinations against the coronavirus. “The STIKO has the data to issue a recommendation for a third vaccination for certain groups,” said the chairman of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV), Andreas Gassen, to the newspapers of the Funke media group. “The STIKO would be the right institution for such requirements. This is where the experts who actually know about vaccination are located.”

It is a matter of first protecting those who have an increased risk of the disease with a third dose. “The STIKO makes rational, fact-based decisions – unlike politics at times,” said Gassen. SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach demanded that politicians now have to make a clear announcement which groups should be given the booster vaccinations first. “It must be clear which age groups are involved and for which risk factors a third vaccination is indicated.” The STIKO at the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) has not yet given a recommendation for the refresher. Some federal states already offer or prepare booster vaccinations.

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