Coronavirus LIVE. A ninth case of Omicron confirmed in France, a health defense council scheduled for Monday …

10:45 am: Vaccination is part of the migrant journey

As early as November 2020, while awaiting the first vaccines, the High Authority for Health had classified among its priority targets the 300,000 to 600,000 undocumented migrants in France, subject to promiscuity when they can be accommodated, and for the most part deprived of mask and hydroalcoholic gel. Vaccination was finally open to them when it was generalized at the end of May to anyone over the age of 18.

“The Ministry of Health has been slow to act, some regional health agencies have been very responsive, others very slow,” said Didier Leschi, Director General of Ofii, which has been offering since October, in 19 of its centers in mainland France, vaccination which has so far benefited 800 people.

As early as June, actors in the field mobilized to overcome the many obstacles to vaccination encountered by migrants. In addition to the language barrier, the lack of information and concerns about the vaccine, “dematerialization is a major obstacle”, believes Dr. Marion Tambourindeguy, referring physician to the Committee for the health of exiles (Comede). The exiles in the street do not all have a telephone either, points out Marie Cougoureux, head of the Humanitarian Halt service for the Salvation Army foundation: “Managing the health pass on paper when you live outside is a real challenge. Mi’kmaq ”.

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