Coronavirus: Less than 8,500 hospitalized patients

The decline continues in hospitals with less than 8,500 Covid-19 patients hospitalized on Wednesday, including 1,204 in intensive care, to the lowest for more than eight months, according to official figures.

In hospitals, more precisely, 8,451 coronavirus patients were registered, including 158 new patients admitted in the last twenty-four hours, according to data from
Public health France. They were 8,627 the day before and 9,771 a week before.

Even a decline in critical care services, reserved for the most seriously ill, with 1,204 hospitalized patients including 31 new admissions in one day. By way of comparison, the “réa” departments had 1,250 patients the day before and 1,509 seven days earlier.

25 additional deaths

In twenty-four hours, 25 patients died in hospital, up from 28 a day earlier, bringing the total deaths to more than 111,111 people since the start of the epidemic in March 2020.

On the side of contaminations, 2,457 new cases have been detected over the last twenty-four hours. The positivity rate, which represents the number of positive tests compared to all the tests carried out, remains at 0.8% over the last seven days.

On the vaccination side, 33,896,012 people have received at least a first dose of anti-Covid vaccine and 22,785,561 now have a complete vaccination schedule, according to data from the Ministry of Health on Wednesday.

The authorities announced on Tuesday that France had passed the milestone of 50% of the total first-vaccinated population, and a third completely, while the rapid spread of the Delta variant threatens to halt the decline in the number of patients in hospitals.

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