Coronavirus in the Munich district: Oath of disclosure when vaccinating – Munich district

Booster for everyone over 18 – and as soon as possible. 2 G in most areas of public life – and many hundreds of meters long queues in front of the mobile vaccination buses that have been stopping for a week in the cities and municipalities in the Munich district: the appeals and the pressure of politics seem to be working. If you haven’t had yourself vaccinated yet, you have to do it in the face of record-breaking incidences and full clinics, if your health and age allow it – and if you are reasonably gifted and can do without an aluminum hat.

But what is currently going on in the whole country and also in the district leaves one almost in despair. Even more: it is a picture of horror. While the district authorities and local politicians celebrate the campaigns with the mobile vaccination buses, people stand for hours in freezing temperatures and often have to be sent away. Because either the vaccine runs out or doctors and paramedics simply can’t do it after more than a full day’s shifts.

What happened on Saturday in Unterföhring, where well after 6 p.m. about 50 people who wanted to be vaccinated had to wait in the dark and cold to get their injection after six hours of overworked patience, defies description. The fact that the municipality did not even distribute hot drinks despite the expected onslaught and the unpromising weather forecast is simply irresponsible. Fortunately, the local water watch helped out on its own after a volunteer saw the sheer chaos in front of the community center and reacted.

Such an amateurish approach by the responsible authorities must not be repeated if one wants to break the fourth wave, if that is still possible. It is an indictment, almost the oath of disclosure at the height of the pandemic.

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