Coronavirus in the Munich district – Great freedom within narrow limits – Munich district

The seven-day incidence in the fight against corona is not yet completely obsolete. This can be seen during a visit to a café in Unterföhring. Sitting outside, enjoying the sun and iced coffee is possible without any control or proof, except that the guests have to register; But if you want to go to the inside toilet in between, you have to face the 3G rule: in other words, prove that you have been vaccinated, recovered or tested negative. And that’s just because of the incidence, because if the value is constant above 35, it requires this proof.

In almost all other areas, however, hospitalization has replaced incidence as the decisive value, i.e. the occupancy of hospital beds with Covid 19 patients. And this so-called hospital traffic light is currently on green, it only jumps to yellow if more than 1200 people have been brought to clinics in Bavaria within a week because of Covid-19 disease, the traffic light is red when more than 600 people are in the Free State must be treated in intensive care units within a week. In the Munich district, eight hospitalization cases were registered in the past two weeks, which corresponds to 1.8 percent of all registered infections.

Since there is no clinic in the Munich district, the hospitalized cases – mostly from the state capital – are transmitted to the health department in the district office and recorded there at a hospitalization rate. However, it is not the values ​​in the counties or urban districts that are decisive for new possible restrictions, but only the nationwide rate.

In the district, however, people are adjusting to the new regulations – for example, the cultural workers. Michael Riedel-Rüppel from the Small Theater in Haar says that he and his employees wanted to offer the guests, above all, mask-free entertainment – which is now also possible indoors with the 14th Bavarian Infection Protection Ordinance, if the distances can be maintained. “We want to implement this at our events with a hygiene concept,” says Riedel-Rüppel. “Except for events for which we have sold more tickets and where the distances cannot be maintained.” Even then, FFP2 masks are no longer mandatory for cultural events, surgical masks are sufficient. He is also convinced that “a large part of the culture-loving audience has already been vaccinated”. However, the 3G rule still applies in the small theater. According to the director, around two additional employees are therefore required to check whether the appropriate access authorization is available upon admission. However, the Small Theater will not set up a test station in front of the entrance.

After 19 months of the pandemic, according to Riedel-Rüppel, it could be that people still have reservations about attending larger events. “People have always accepted the restrictions and heard: Don’t get together with many people,” he says. “It may well be that many still hesitate to go to concerts or other events.”

The new 3G rule affects almost all areas of life in public space in the Munich district. Proof of having recovered, vaccinated or tested negative is for example when visiting indoor restaurants, at public and private events with up to 1000 participants in non-private rooms, in castles, museums, fitness studios, at meetings, trade fairs and congresses, thermal baths, baths and saunas or amusement parks, training courses and indoor playgrounds are required. Either a PCR test, which must not be older than 48 hours, or a rapid test, which was not more than 24 hours ago, serves as evidence. There is no upper limit for worship services in which only those who have been vaccinated, who have recovered or who tested negative, take part; otherwise the maximum number of participants is based on the number of places determined by the minimum distance of 1.5 meters.

In principle, the Infection Protection Measures Ordinance again provides for a ban on alcohol in public places. However, the district office says that from the point of view of the cities and municipalities, which as security authorities have special expertise, there is currently no need for corresponding prohibited zones; The district office also shares this assessment. “Of course we still have an eye on the situation,” said a spokeswoman, and it could be responded to accordingly.


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