Coronavirus in Germany: RKI sees the beginning of the fourth wave of pandemics

Status: 08/20/2021 3:05 a.m.

The delta variant has consequences: In the corona pandemic, the next wave in this country will start around five weeks earlier than last summer. But unlike back then, vaccinations can now protect against infections – everyone from the age of 12.

According to the Robert Koch Institute, the fourth wave of the corona pandemic has begun in Germany. The proportion of positive samples under the PCR tests in laboratories had risen from four to six percent within a week by mid-August, according to the institute’s latest weekly report on Thursday evening. The basis is around half a million tests from almost 200 laboratories.

Younger people are particularly affected by infections. “This clearly shows the beginning of the fourth wave, which is picking up speed, particularly due to infections among the young adult population,” says the latest report. Some of those affected were also infected in holiday countries, for example in the Balkans, Turkey or Spain.

Incidence increase since early July

The RKI still assesses the risk to the health of German citizens who have not yet been vaccinated or who have only been vaccinated to be high overall. For fully vaccinated people, the researchers rate it as moderate. Since the beginning of July there has been an increase in the incidence in this country, especially in the age groups of 10 to 49 year olds, according to the analysis.

However, outbreaks in daycare centers and schools were still at a low level until mid-August. In some federal states, however, there are still holidays. Furthermore, late registrations are to be expected. A similar increase in infections in the younger population could already be observed in summer 2020, according to the report. However, only five weeks later, i.e. at the end of September or beginning of October.

Sudden increase in demand among younger people

So far this summer, the more contagious Delta variant has dominated – now 99 percent. In the summer of 2020 there was still no vaccination protection. On Monday, the Standing Vaccination Commission also gave the green light for Covid vaccinations for children and adolescents between 12 and 17 years of age. This was legally possible since the end of May. According to paediatricians, the demand is currently increasing by leaps and bounds.

Overall, around 64 percent of German citizens currently have at least one vaccination against Covid-19. More than 58 percent have already been fully immunized against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. In order to slow down the pandemic, vaccination rates of 85 percent and more are desirable. Compliance with the corona rules such as wearing a mask and keeping your distance as well as testing remains important according to the RKI assessment.

Rise in incidence has consequences

The new rise in incidences has consequences. The recent general decline in the number of Covid patients in clinics is currently not continuing, according to the RKI report. The numbers are still at a low level, but are now increasing visibly. Here, too, follow-ups can be expected because Covid patients often don’t come to a hospital until one to two weeks after the diagnosis – mostly with severe respiratory infections.

The RKI’s weekly report appears with a time delay. Most of the results in the most recent analysis relate to data from the first week of August.

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