Coronavirus: Counties in Bavaria adopt stricter measures

Health system overloaded
“The situation is serious”: districts in Bavaria decide on stricter corona measures

A woman wears an FFP2 mask in front of a shop in Rosenheim, Bavaria

© Christof STACHE / AFP

Several districts in Bavaria are tightening their measures in the fight against the corona virus. The regional health system is overloaded and urgently needed operations are in danger.

In view of the sharp increase in new corona infections and treatment cases of Covid 19 patients in the region’s clinics, several districts in Bavaria have agreed on stricter measures to combat the virus.

The stricter rules, which are to come into force from November 1st, include an FFP2 mask requirement and a 2G regulation for clubs and discos. This was shared by the districts of Mühldorf, Altötting, Traunstein, Berchtesgadener Land and Miesbach as well as the city and district of Rosenheim in a joint statement with.

Corona crisis in Bavaria: “Our regional health system is overloaded!”

“The situation in our district and in the surrounding southern Bavaria is serious,” Miesbach’s District Administrator Olaf von Löwis (CSU) is quoted as saying. “Our regional health system is overloaded!” For example, all Covid-19 beds in the hospital in Agatharied are occupied and the intensive care unit is full. “There is no longer an intensive care bed for Covid patients in the entire rescue association,” said the district administrator.

Urgent operations are in danger. Now it is important to “break the curve of the fourth wave together.” Von Löwis called on organizers and visitors to rethink planned major events. The additional measures that have now been decided are “just a piece of the puzzle”. “It takes individual responsibility to break the fourth wave!” The CSU politician is quoted as saying.

The stricter regulations stipulate that from Monday in all areas where it was previously mandatory to wear a medical mask, wearing an FFP2 mask will now be mandatory. These included supermarkets, leisure facilities and local public transport. Schools and the workplace are exempt from this obligation.

In addition, a 2G instead of 3G regulation will apply in the future for clubs, discos and similar bars. There should only be granted access to vaccinated and convalescent people (2G). People who tested negative for the coronavirus (3G) would have to stay outside. The staff is excluded from the regulation. The general decree applies up to and including November 24th.

To Information from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) For example, 1129 new infections with the coronavirus were registered in the city and the district of Rosenheim in the past seven days, the seven-day incidence value is currently 431.4. In the neighboring Miesbach the value is 567.0.

Nationwide, the seven-day incidence has risen again. The RKI stated the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants and week on Friday morning as 139.2. For comparison: the previous day the value was 130.2, a week ago it was 95.1. The health authorities in Germany reported loudly to the RKI current management report 24,668 new corona infections within one day. A week ago the value was 19,572 infections.

Sources:Miesbach district, District Office Miesbach, Robert Koch Institute (RKI)


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