Coronatest certificates: Investigations against “Test-Express” |


As of: 25.10.2021 4:36 a.m.

The Coronatest certificates from the “Test-Express” web portal are invalid – the Ministry of Health has told them that confirmed. Various parties are investigating against the operator.

By Wulf Rohwedder,

“Yes, the test confirmation is recognized everywhere. It corresponds to the verification guidelines of the Federal Ministry of Health and the Robert Koch Institute”, so it says on the homepage of the Internet portal “Test-Express”. Their solution is “completely legal”, the test certificates correspond to the requirements of the 3G rules.

But how can that be? According to research by There is no verification of the identity and actual qualifications of the specialists certified by the company on the CliniGo GmbH portal. It is also not verified whether a Sars-CoV-2 rapid test was carried out at all and what the result looked like. So it says in the general terms and conditions of “Test-Express”:

CliniGo assumes no liability for the quantity, quality or other services for the tested persons or for the information provided by the tested persons on the test, the test result and their person or contact details.

Ministry disagrees

Now the Federal Ministry of Health has also confirmed that the certifications and certificates of “Test-Express” do not keep what the provider promises: Such a test result only applies at the place where the test was supervised, said a spokesman at the request of It should therefore not be used in other 3G contexts for the next 24 hours. In addition, the certification carried out by “Test-Express” as a “specialist” does not entitle, as claimed by “Test-Express”, to issue test certificates for relatives and friends.

According to the Federal Ministry of Health, the certification of “Test-Express” as a “specialist” is just as worthless as the test certificates issued

CliniGo managing director Markus Bönig explains:

Test-Express is a telemedical platform with which it is possible for specialists under the direction of a doctor to monitor the implementation of a corona rapid test on other people and to document the result. The doctor monitors the test execution with the help of the health messenger Clinigo and immediately afterwards creates a test certificate, which is sent to the tested person via the Test-Express platform. CliniGo GmbH is a service provider and has been working for clinics, doctors, nursing homes and nursing services for years. As part of the corona crisis, all German schools and health authorities were also added to the messenger.

When trying However, neither monitoring nor documentation of the result was carried out – rather the negative test certificate was issued exclusively on the basis of the data provided by the “specialist”.

Supervisory authority determined

The Ennepe-Ruhr district, in which CliniGo is located, is now taking action against its business model: “The state ministry for labor, health and social affairs, the district government in Arnsberg, the police and the city of Wetter were informed about the operator by the district administration. We do not consider the business model of CliniGo GmbH to be approved and are currently examining whether there is unreliable action under commercial law and whether a commercial prohibition procedure can be initiated, “said spokeswoman Lisa Radke

The district police authority Ennepe-Ruhr headed according to information from Investigations into the initial suspicion of a criminal offense.

“Test-Express” data leak

In the meantime, another process has become known that casts doubt on the seriousness of CliniGo, such as the Youtuber Wolfgang Holzhauser found out. When sending a newsletter to the “Test-Express” customers, the company, whose main business area is the storage and processing of sensitive personal and health data, made a serious mistake. This allowed the recipients to view the email data of the other addressees.

Managing director Bönig replied to this “There was a small glitch when sending the first newsletter. Less than 1% of the newsletter recipients also accidentally saw the email addresses of individual, other addressees. We noticed the error quickly and corrected it immediately. We apologize for this. However, at no point have any real names, addresses or similar data been distributed. ”

However, the content of the said newsletter allows an insight into the ideology of those responsible. So it says there (error in the original):

We will continue to do everything we can to ensure that citizens who have consciously decided against a ‘vaccination’ can do so – with our help too. we together that soon all the measures will finally be lifted and the witch hunt for ‘unvaccinated’ people will stop. Let’s hope that one day healthy people will just be able to be healthy again. Please recommend Test-Express in your personal environment to all people who you believe or know that they want to remain ‘unvaccinated’. You may be saving their lives by doing this.

Health politician sees a need for action

Michael Hennrich, deputy spokesman for health of the CDU parliamentary group in the Bundestag, sees an urgent need for improvement in the area of ​​corona rapid tests: “Corona rapid tests are a way of stopping the spread of the virus and protecting other people.”

The CDU health politician Hennrich sees legal gray areas in the test certificates that need to be eliminated.

Image: picture alliance / Michael cap

It could therefore not be a question of exploiting legal gray areas in order to help people to misuse certificates and tests as easily as possible, he said with. The offer and approach of CliniGo raise numerous questions that need to be answered.

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