Corona worldwide: USA advise against Johnson & Johnson – politics

The US health authority CDC recommends that other corona vaccines be preferred to the active ingredient from Johnson & Johnson. The CDC announced on Thursday that a recommendation would be adopted by an advisory committee that had voted unanimously shortly beforehand. The risk of a cerebral vein thrombosis after a vaccination with the preparation of the US pharmaceutical company is higher than previously known, the advisory committee said. Dozens of cases and at least nine deaths have been detected in the past few months.

In addition to Johnson & Johnson, the preparations from Biontech / Pfizer and Moderna are also approved in the USA. The vaccinations with the active ingredient from Johnson & Johnson were temporarily suspended in the spring after the first cases of cerebral vein thrombosis became known. Any vaccination is better than no vaccination, emphasized the CDC. Those who do not want or cannot have a vaccination with Biontech / Pfizer will still be able to use the Johnson & Johnson preparation. (December 17, 2021)

The EU recommends booster vaccination no later than six months after the second injection

The European Commission in Brussels recommends vaccinated people to receive booster vaccinations within six months of the initial vaccination. “We will ensure a common concept for refreshments and the period of validity of the certificate. Booster vaccinations are recommended no later than six months after the full vaccination and the certificate will also be valid for three months”, explains Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. She had already informed the EU heads of state and government, who met for a summit in Brussels, of the Commission’s recommendations on booster vaccinations and the resulting extension of vaccination records by three months for travel within the EU. (December 17, 2021)

France restricts travel with Great Britain

More and more countries are making entry more difficult for visitors in order to curb the spread of the coronavirus variant Omikron. The restrictions range from mandatory testing to 2 G to entry stops. France, for example, severely restricts travel to and from the UK. The government has decided that only British nationals who are on their way home are allowed to travel from there to Great Britain. Exceptions also apply to truck drivers and people who would have to go to the UK to bury a close relative or for medical reasons. Only French nationals or foreigners with permanent residence permits as well as people who do important work or make stopovers that last a maximum of 24 hours are allowed to enter France.

Relatively strict rules apply in Israel. There has been a general entry ban for foreign visitors since November 28th. The only exceptions are people who fall into the category of “Jewish tourism”. Similar entry stops currently also apply in countries such as Japan, the Philippines and Morocco. Ghana only allows entry by air and sea. Other countries, including Germany, the USA and Great Britain, specifically restrict entry from South Africa and neighboring countries in connection with Omikron. The first cases of Omikron infections had become known in South Africa. The South African President Cyril Ramaphosa criticizes the targeted restrictions as unfair discrimination. The country’s economy would be disproportionately heavy. The international community should not punish South Africa for informing them about the new virus variant.

The World Health Organization (WHO) is also critical of the entry ban for people from Africa, as it represents a hasty measure that could damage international traffic. Some experts also question the effectiveness of such travel restrictions. (16.12.2021)

Omicron wave: Queen cancels Christmas lunch

Because of the rapidly spreading omicron variant of the coronavirus in Great Britain, Queen Elizabeth II has canceled her traditional pre-Christmas family gathering. The palace announced. “Too many people’s Christmas plans are at stake,” it said as a statement from palace circles. Usually the Queen’s children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and cousins ​​come together for lunch in Buckingham Palace the week before Christmas. The family reunion had to be canceled last year due to the pandemic. This year it should have been at Windsor Castle, like that Sun reported.

Like many older Britons, the Queen is now likely to have been vaccinated against the corona virus at least three times. Nonetheless, the omicron variant of the coronavirus is currently giving politicians a headache in the UK. In London it is already considered to be predominant. According to government estimates, hundreds of thousands are infected every day. (16.12.2021)

Laboratory tests suggest that Moderna is less effective against Omikron

US researchers fear that two doses of the vaccine produced by Moderna could offer less protection against Omikron compared to previous coronavirus variants. According to her laboratory data, it triggered a weaker immune response in the body. This could lead to an increased risk of Covid disease. A booster dose, on the other hand, seems to significantly reduce the risk of the disease.

However, the team emphasized that their find was only initial data. In order to gain reliable knowledge about the actual protection of vaccinated persons, clinical studies with thousands of test subjects or evaluations of the ongoing infection process are required.

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The vaccine manufacturers Biontech and Pfizer had already announced last week that three doses of their product were necessary for adequate protection against the Omikron variant. According to initial laboratory data, two doses did not provide sufficient protection against infection with this recently discovered variant. However, the companies assumed that protection against serious illness would continue to exist. (16.12.2021)

The oldest Frenchman dies of Corona

The oldest Frenchman died of a corona infection at the age of 112. Marcel Meys had only received this rank in October after the death of a somewhat older 112-year-old resident of the island of Martinique, as reported by the broadcaster France Info. Meys died on Wednesday in Vienne hospital south of Lyon. Until recently he had lived in his house in the village of Saint-Romain-en-Gal with his only daughter. After a positive corona test, he initially continued to do well, then he had to go to the clinic. The mayor praised his good mood, friendliness and “eternal optimism” in a message. (16.12.2021)

Omikron is likely to dominate Europe in early 2022

Omikron is likely to become the dominant variant of the coronavirus in Europe within the first two months of 2022. This is what the EU health authority ECDC writes in an updated risk assessment. A further rapid increase in the number of Omikron cases in the European Economic Area (EEA) is expected. The EEA includes the 27 EU countries, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.

The delta variant is still predominant here. The epidemiological situation is currently still characterized by high case numbers and a low but slowly rising death rate. According to model predictions, however, Omikron will likely become the dominant variant in the EEA within the first two months of next year. It is very likely that Omikron will cause additional hospital admissions and deaths.

ECDC Director Andrea Ammon said countries should step up efforts to fully vaccinate people and have booster vaccinations as soon as possible. In the current situation, vaccinations alone are not enough. It also needs a quick reintroduction or tightening of measures such as wearing masks and keeping enough distance. (15.12.2021)

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