Corona: Waiting for breakwater – how the change of government exacerbates the crisis

Pandemic in Germany
Waiting for the breakwaters: How the change of government exacerbates the corona crisis

The Executive Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and her likely successor in office Olaf Scholz (SPD)

© Michael Kappeler / DPA

Some say that, others like that – at least there is no shortage of clear messages in the fight against the corona crisis. However, of immediate consequences. The still and soon governments get caught up in the struggle for the right course.

The situation continues to worsen. And more and more threatening. There is an acute need for action in the German fight against pandemics, and everyone can apparently gather behind it:

“Every day that can be won really counts here” (Karl Lauterbach, SPD health expert)

“Every day counts here” (Angela Merkel, Executive Chancellor)

“We have to stop this wave now” (Jens Spahn, acting Federal Minister of Health)

“We have to act immediately” (Ralph Brinkhaus, Union parliamentary group leader)

“We need a massive reduction in contacts – now immediately” (Lothar Wieler, President of the Robert Koch Institute)

It only appears irritatingly unclear where the issue of action is to be located. And so RKI boss Wieler didn’t really know on Friday to whom he should specifically address his urgent appeal: “I now expect the decision-makers to take all measures to bring the number of cases down together.”

Germany is in the middle of the fourth wave of infections, but also in the transition from the old to the new government. On the one hand: a Chancellor with waning authority. On the other hand: a successor that has not yet taken its place. And in between: many country managers who are divided on the point of a quick Prime Minister’s Conference (MPK).

The result: Lots of clear messages, but hardly any immediate consequences.

time is relative

Even a small crisis summit on Tuesday evening did not promise clarity. The top politicians of the traffic light parties met with Angela Merkel in the Chancellery. Topic: the future course in the corona crisis.

The Executive Chancellor is said to have urged a strict reduction in contacts, even a two-week lockdown for everyone, as the “Bild” newspaper reported. There was no official information on the exact content of the talks. However, the timing of the meeting suggests that the corresponding demands may have been up for debate: one day later, the “epidemic situation of national importance” should come through Package of measures by the traffic light partner be replaced – which makes nationwide exit restrictions and school closings legally impossible. According to the previous plans, the law is to be reviewed on December 9th in a federal-state round and, if necessary, sharpened.

One day after the meeting in the Chancellery, the traffic light parties presented their coalition agreement and several initiatives in the fight against the corona crisis – including a crisis team in the Chancellery and an advisory committee – but no new measures. Not necessary?

At least not yet declared Greens co-boss Annalena Baerbock on Wednesday evening: “We gave ourselves ten days to see if we are with the booster vaccinations, have we come far enough with the protective measures.” The new federal-state crisis team should take a close look at the situation on a daily basis. After these ten days, they will jointly analyze whether further measures are necessary.

The result, again: Lots of clear messages, but hardly any immediate consequences.

It is said that action must be taken. But when?

Representatives of the outgoing government, such as Head of the Chancellery, Helge Braun (CDU), urge courageous and swift action – possibly also motivated by the persistent accusation of not having acted early enough. The Union parliamentary group leader Ralph Brinkhaus accused the traffic light parties of “denying reality”, warned in the “World on Sunday” facing a “lightning-dangerous situation” that requires “immediate action”.

In view of the worsening situation, Almost Chancellor Scholz announced at least consistent action. Everything will be done that has to be done he said on Saturday at the Federal Jusos Congress and spoke of “new dramatic challenges”. There is nothing that is not taken into account. The ambitious goal is that now all those concerned get a booster vaccination for a booster. He has already announced that a crisis team will be set up. Sounds consistent, but it means: wait and see first.

An unwholesome situation: On the one hand, the Union is apparently trying to dispel the accusation that it acted too late as a ruling party by making tough demands. On the other hand, the SPD, Greens and FDP apparently want to avoid the admission that, as the new government, they have underestimated the situation, and are therefore waiting for their Infection Protection Act to be tightened up again.

The result remains: many clear announcements, but hardly any immediate consequences. This, however, is now needed, as the Leopoldina formulated on Saturday: The scientists formulated immediate, comprehensive contact restrictions and a step-by-step vaccination requirement in order to counter the rapid increase in new corona infections.

In their ad hoc statement, the scientists wrote about the overall situation: “These days Germany is facing a renewed, intensified escalation of the Covid 19 crisis. It is to be feared that parts of politics and the public will not understand the drama of the situation to the full extent. ” A polyphony in publicly presented assessments of facts and prognoses also contributed to this.

And so the current state of affairs remains: The situation is getting worse, still, ever more. And more and more threatening.

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