Corona virus pandemic: ++ “Loosening rather unrealistic” ++

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Status: 02/01/2022 02:36 am

Green politician Dahmen initially considers loosening of corona to be rather unlikely because of the omicron subtype BA.2. The health authorities do not see themselves able to control the vaccination requirement in care. All developments in the live blog.

2:36 a.m

Health authorities overwhelmed with compulsory vaccination controls

The health authorities do not see themselves in a position to adequately control the compulsory corona vaccination for employees of clinics and nursing homes, which will come into force on March 15th. It is expected that on average five to ten percent of the employees will have no clear proof or no complete vaccination protection and a report will be sent to the health department, said Elke Bruns-Philipps from the Federal Association of Doctors in the Public Health Service, the “Rheinische Post”. “This is a significant burden with the examination of each individual case, as is now planned, which the health authorities cannot cope with in a timely manner.”

The law passed by the Bundestag and Bundesrat in December stipulates that employees in facilities with vulnerable people such as nursing homes and clinics must prove by March 15 that they have been vaccinated against Corona or have recovered from an infection – or submit a certificate that they are not can be vaccinated. Employers must inform the health authorities if this does not happen.

2:36 a.m

New rules for travelers to Italy

In Italy, there are other corona rules that also affect travelers. Anyone who comes from other EU countries needs either a negative corona test, proof of vaccination or a certificate of recovery. Previously, because of the rampant omicron variant, a test was mandatory for everyone – regardless of whether they were vaccinated or recovered. Those who were not vaccinated had to be quarantined for five days. The 3G rule came into force for businesses that are not part of everyday needs.

Since the beginning of the year, Italy has had a corona vaccination requirement for people over the age of 50. Now unvaccinated people in this age group have to pay a fine of 100 euros if they are caught. From February 15th, they will no longer be able to go to their workplace: the 2G rule will then apply there – i.e. vaccinated or recovered.

2:36 a.m

Dahmen dampens hopes that the rules will be relaxed soon

Green health politician Janosch Dahmen considers it unlikely that the corona measures will be relaxed in the next four weeks. “It is possible that the trend reversal could be delayed by several weeks,” Dahmen told the newspapers of the Funke media group. The spread of the subtype is expected to push the peak of the current wave further back. Everything that is known about BA.2 so far suggests that the number of infections may not decrease in February. It is unclear how well people who have survived an infection with the omicron subtype BA.1 are also immunized against BA.2. “In view of BA.2, comprehensive easing in the next four weeks is rather unrealistic.”

2:36 a.m

EU vaccination certificates without a booster are still valid for nine months

Traveling without a booster vaccination in the EU is now much more difficult for many people. Because the EU vaccination certificates are only valid for around nine months (270 days) without a booster vaccination. After this period, people without this additional protection will be treated as unvaccinated when crossing borders. This usually means that if you are traveling across borders in the EU, you need a current negative test or even have to go into quarantine. “This reflects the decreasing protection of the vaccine and underlines the importance of a booster,” said EU Justice Commissioner Didier Reynders.

“With the new regulations for travel within the EU, the different regulations in the member states will be harmonized,” says the EU Commission. How long the basic immunization is recognized in the respective countries – for example for restaurant visits or events – can still differ.

2:36 a.m

Unvaccinated nurses can initially continue to work

Unvaccinated people can continue to work in their hospitals and care facilities after the official entry into force of the facility-related vaccination requirement on March 16th until a decision is made by the authorities. A spokesman for the Federal Ministry of Health told the news portal “Business Insider”: “Until the health department has made the decision on a ban on entry or activity, the employees concerned may continue to be employed.” When it comes to compulsory vaccination, the responsible health authority decides “on how to proceed and the measures to be taken at its discretion”. All “circumstances of the individual case” are taken into account.

Actually, from March 16, all employees in nursing and medical professions must either have recovered or be fully vaccinated. The only exception: medical reasons speak against vaccination.

2:36 a.m

Monday’s live blog to read

Thousands demonstrated again in Germany against the Corona policy. The US authorities have granted full approval for Moderna’s corona vaccine. Monday’s developments to read.

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