Corona: vaccination campaign threatened by a lack of vaccines – angry at Berlin

Although the vaccination rate continues to pick up in Germany, there are apparently problems with the vaccination campaign in some cities. The city of Frankfurt and the district of Würzburg complain about insufficient deliveries. Vaccination campaigns have to be canceled. Other cities are also reporting problems.

Corona vaccinations are currently more important than ever in this fourth wave in Germany, especially booster vaccinations. According to the Executive Minister of Health Jens Spahn, the necessary quantities of vaccine are available for the planned acceleration of the corona vaccinations. The federal government will have delivered 18 million doses of booster vaccinations within ten days, said the CDU politician in Berlin on Friday. Given the goal of 20 to 30 million “booster” vaccinations by Christmas, this is “a pretty big step there”. In the past seven days there have been 3.5 million vaccinations.

But these deliveries don’t seem to be getting everywhere. The city of Frankfurt sees its vaccination campaign slowed down by the lack of a vaccine. Although the vaccination campaigns of the health department were very well received by the citizens and the demand has recently increased strongly, the city must now restrict its vaccination offers – because the vaccine quantities ordered by the health department have been unilaterally reduced by the federal government Health department on monday with.

Missing vaccine: “All of Frankfurt is pissed off at Berlin”

From this Tuesday on, vaccinations are no longer possible at the main station. “Also special vaccination campaigns have to be canceled,” it said. Instead of the 19,380 doses ordered, Hesse’s largest city only received around 6,000 doses of the Comirnaty vaccine from Biontech and a maximum of 4,000 doses of Spikevax from Moderna.

“The whole of Frankfurt is pissed off at Berlin – and to be honest, I have no words,” said Mayor Peter Feldmann (SPD). He had just given the go-ahead for the vaccination express and appealed to people to get vaccinated. “Now it should have been again for this great campaign. Not because there is a lack of those willing to vaccinate, but because there is a lack of vaccine,” said the mayor. “And that in a situation in which the infection numbers only know one direction – steeply upwards. People rightly lack any understanding of this.”

“We urge the federal government to provide the vaccinations we have always ordered in good time in full and as quickly as possible,” Feldmann appealed. Dr. Peter Tinnemann, head of the Frankfurt health department, even warned: “In the next few days we will run out of vaccines.”

Würzburg: Setback for the vaccine turbo

These problems are also struggled with in the city and in the district of Würzburg. A new vaccination center could be opened in Würzburg – but the vaccine is missing, according to one Message. Biontech vaccine doses have been withdrawn. “We are building up vaccination capacities here in coordination with the Free State in order to cope with the crisis, but vaccine will be withdrawn at the last minute”, explained the municipal officer Wolfgang Kleiner. “This approach is incomprehensible and incomprehensible to me!”

The district of Würzburg expresses itself similarly. So be loud Message For the week from November 29th, 3,000 doses of vaccine from Biontech vaccine Comirnaty were ordered – but only 150 were delivered. The state government did not inform the city and district of Würzburg until Friday afternoon why these drastic cuts were made. Dates for vaccinations could not be released, contrary to what was planned.

“The cut is a setback for the vaccination turbo, which we would have implemented from next week with great effort from all those involved – including volunteers,” said District Administrator Thomas Eberth.

“This sudden reduction in the amount of vaccine calls into question everything that was demanded and planned. This causes misunderstanding and anger among the population when a U-turn is suddenly made for no reason,” said Würzburg’s Mayor Christian Schuchardt.

Small deliveries also in Hamburg and Thuringia

On Friday the district said that there were 735 vaccine doses Moderna and 552 vaccine doses Biontech in the vaccine inventory. On Tuesday, the promised 150 doses of Biontech would be added and an additional 300 doses of Moderna. But one is in close contact with other vaccination centers and institutions in order to get vaccine from there. On Friday evening, for example, the promise was made to receive 5000 doses of Moderna from another Bavarian vaccination center for the Würzburg region.

Sought-after third vaccination: this is the quickest way to get the booster.

But Würzburg and Frankfurt are not the only cases, according to a survey by the star shows under selected cities.

So are in Hamburg fewer doses of corona vaccines were delivered than ordered, as a Senate spokesman said star announced. This means that vaccination appointments in practices have to be canceled and the need in vaccination centers cannot be met. “Last week, 57,120 doses of vaccine from the manufacturer Biontech were ordered (for municipal vaccination offers). 24,270 vaccine doses were delivered,” said the Senate spokesman. That’s less than half.

At the moment Hamburg still has a vaccine in order to be able to maintain the city offers in the current week. But: “We have made it clear to the federal government that the rationing of vaccines for vaccination centers and practices should be reconsidered.”

The Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians Thuringia could not give any information for individual cities, such as Erfurt, she informed the star with. However: In Thuringia, only the four supraregional vaccination centers and two of the local vaccination centers were closed. 27 vaccination centers in the Free State are still in operation. Thanks to the support of the Bundeswehr, the capacities have been expanded from 30 to 50 vaccination routes in the vaccination centers. Nevertheless, there is a lack of vaccine: “On November 19, the Federal Minister of Health announced that Biontech’s orders will be limited in all of Germany until further notice not delivered.”

The allocation of Biontech deliveries meant that appointments for booster vaccinations that had already been booked had to be rebooked with Biontech. Not all appointments could be served with Biontech as agreed. Instead, those who want to be vaccinated will be offered the Moderna booster vaccination. Vaccination campaigns do not have to be canceled, it said.

No problems in Cologne, relaxed location in Kiel and Munich

From the city’s health department Munich it said that 101,400 cans of Biontech and 100,000 cans of Moderna had been ordered for this week. The 100,000 vaccine doses from Moderna had been delivered. Of the Biontech vaccination doses, however, 42,000 were delivered. However, vaccination campaigns did not have to be canceled.

In the state capital of Schleswig-Holstein Kiel The Ministry of Health said that vaccine deliveries to the state of Schleswig-Holstein had been reduced by the federal government with regard to the Biontech vaccine. “Fortunately, Schleswig-Holstein currently has enough Moderna vaccine for inpatient vaccination centers,” a spokesman said star. He did not give exact numbers and referred to that Federal Ministry of Health, which only publishes nationwide orders and delivery forecasts. Appointments in the inpatient vaccination centers could take place as planned. Moderna is currently being inoculated there. The open vaccination campaigns could also continue to take place.

The situation in Cologne From: As a city spokesman announced, there are no fewer deliveries of the corona vaccines. Therefore, no vaccination appointments or vaccination campaigns have been canceled.

Also in Leipzig there doesn’t seem to be any problems. A spokeswoman for the city said this starthat there is no overall record of orders and deliveries of vaccines, as there are different ways to do this, for example via the German Red Cross (DRK) or the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians. However, there are no problems with deliveries at the DRK, which operates public vaccination centers.

with material from the DPA

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