Corona: the number of new infections is increasing rapidly – politics

The number of new corona infections in Germany is increasing again significantly. For the first time since May, the nationwide incidence value was over 100 on the weekend: The Robert Koch Institute reported a value of 106.3 on Sunday morning. A week ago, this value, which indicates the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days, was 72.7. Within one day, the health authorities registered 13,732 new corona cases, a week earlier there were 8,682 new infections.

In view of this development, the further handling of the pandemic is being discussed. At the beginning of the week, Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) had pleaded, with the numbers being significantly lower, for the determination of the “epidemic situation of national scope” to expire at the end of November. This status, which the Bundestag decides on, is the legal basis for many Corona measures.

Spahn told Deutschlandfunk that an end to the epidemic situation was by no means synonymous with an end to all protective measures. It is a matter of returning the powers of the federal government to a normal state. One still needs a state of special caution.

SPD health politician Karl Lauterbach said that should the epidemic situation actually come to an end, a replacement regulation would be needed. One is in a phase with numerous problems, in addition to the increasing number of infections, Lauterbach mentioned the stagnating vaccination rate and vaccination breakthroughs. The prime ministers of the federal states had already declared on Friday that there must continue to be a national legal basis for the protective measures.

Lack of staff in intensive care

Tobias Hans (CDU), head of government in Saarland, nevertheless defended Spahn’s initiative: The pandemic is “not over, but it has lost its horror through the vaccinations,” said Hans zur Picture on sunday. One should not lump all countries together. “Federal states with a high vaccination quota must be able to regain their freedoms.” In the Saarland there will be no more outdoor restrictions from Friday. A visit to the football stadium would then also be possible unvaccinated and untested. The Association of Intensive Care Physicians (Divi) expressed concern: With similar numbers of infections, the capacities in the intensive care units were lower than a year ago, the reason for this being the lack of personnel in intensive care.

Meanwhile, a discussion broke out about soccer player Joshua Kimmich from FC Bayern: He has not yet been vaccinated, Kimmich admitted at the weekend after corresponding media reports. He wants to wait for studies on the long-term effects of the vaccination. The excitement was particularly great because Kimmich received several awards for founding the “We Kick Corona” initiative. The organization is fighting the pandemic and publicly stressed the importance of vaccination. Kimmich’s colleagues Thomas Müller and Manuel Neuer let it be known that they were “vaccination friends”.

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