Corona: Spahn wants to end the epidemic situation, Lauterbach warns

Criticism of the pandemic course
Spahn wants to end the epidemic situation – and Karl Lauterbach calls for more protection for children

Jens Spahn (l.) And Karl Lauterbach (r.) Greet each other in a Croona-compliant manner. However, they are not entirely in agreement about the pandemic course.

© Michael Kappeler / DPA

Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) received a lot of criticism for his decision to end the Corona state of emergency. He does not want to be dissuaded from doing so – although the incidences are increasing.

Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) believes that the so-called epidemic situation of national scope in the corona pandemic should expire – despite great criticism of this attitude. In the ZDF “heute-journal” he said on Sunday: “The state of emergency, established by the Bundestag, can, in my opinion, be ended because four out of five adults are vaccinated.”

This topic has been controversial for days, also in view of the currently increasing number of infections in Germany. Critics fear a “patchwork quilt” of measures and regulations if the “epidemic situation of national scope” expires. The Robert Koch Institute had given the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants and week on Sunday as 106.3. For the first time since May, the incidence is clearly in three digits again.

End of the epidemic, but no end to the pandemic

Spahn said that the end of the epidemic situation on a national level would not mean that the pandemic would be declared over. “Like many others, I keep saying that we still need precautionary measures in autumn and winter, especially 3G – vaccinated, recovered, tested – indoors, especially medical protective masks, AHA rules, on buses and trains, in retail. “

A change in the law would make it possible for the federal states and the local authorities to take these measures independently of the state of emergency. “I also expressly support that,” said Spahn. He also strongly advocates the fact that there are special protective measures in schools and care facilities, for example. Not everything is as it was before Corona. “We are now in a state of particular caution where certain protective measures continue to apply.”

At the end of August, the Bundestag extended the “epidemic of national importance” for a further three months. It expires automatically if it is not renewed by Parliament. The “epidemic situation” gives federal and state governments powers to issue ordinances on corona measures such as mask requirements, distance and contact restrictions or the procurement of vaccines.

Lauterbach warns of a “continuous increase” in the number of cases

SPD health politician Karl Lauterbach warns of a sharp rise in the number of infections among children. “After the autumn break, we will see significantly more outbreaks in schools because the children can no longer ventilate,” he told the editorial network Germany (RND) with a view to the approaching winter. “There will also be chains of infection in companies. The same applies to bars and restaurants. We can expect a continuous increase.”

Lauterbach suggested the following procedure in schools: “Test three times a week, that would be my suggestion, in the morning with antigen tests, because these detect the prevailing delta variant very reliably.” There should be five test days in a row for contact persons of infected people. “That way we could practically end the uncontrolled pandemic in schools.” He felt sorry for the children who are now exposed to the long-covid risk.

The chairman of the Education and Science Union (GEW), Maike Finnern, said: “From a national perspective, schools are better positioned this autumn when it comes to health prevention than they were a year ago, and the vaccination rate among those working in schools is extraordinarily high.” But she criticized that many schools were still not equipped with air filters. “There is an urgent need for action here,” she said.


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