Corona rules: Demonstrations against corona rules in several cities

Corona rules
Demonstrations against corona rules in several cities

“Fake pandemic”: According to one participant in the demonstration in Hamburg, there is no corona pandemic at all. Photo: Georg Wendt / dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

Contact restrictions and 2G in retail: hundreds die of Covid-19 every day – but for some, these requirements are still neither to be understood nor to be accepted.

Several thousand people demonstrated against the Corona rules in various cities on Saturday. In Hamburg alone, around 5,000 so-called lateral thinkers and vaccine skeptics took to the streets, as a police spokeswoman said.

The number of participants registered was 2000. The demonstration, which has been taking place every Saturday for weeks, was peaceful, but there were difficulties with keeping your distance. There were protests in Berlin, Potsdam, Hanover, Frankfurt am Main and Trier, among others.

According to police, a lower three-digit number of people demonstrated in the Berlin district of Friedrichshain despite a ban. There were several arrests for violating the corona rules and resistance to the officials, it was said. A journalist who was filming on his cell phone was reportedly attacked by a demonstrator and the device was temporarily stolen from him. The alleged perpetrator had to answer for attempted robbery, it said.

An originally registered demonstration by 1,000 opponents of vaccinations and measures was banned on Friday. According to the police, the reason was earlier findings that the participants regularly ignore the corona rules.

In Frankfurt, the police broke up two demonstrations after serious violations of the assembly requirements. The participants disregarded the distance rules and did not wear masks, the police reported via the short message service Twitter. Around 500 opponents of the Corona policy had gathered in each case, plus counter-demonstrators.

The police from Trier reported that there was a heated mood among the around 400 participants in a demonstration and a counter-event. It was thanks to the police’s “very specific” approach at times that there were no attacks.

AfD boss Tino Chrupalla also took part in a demonstration by his party against the Corona measures in Potsdam. Chrupalla condemned the protests of opponents of the Corona policy in front of the home of the Saxon Minister of Health Petra Köpping. «Peaceful protest against compulsory vaccination is a fundamental right. The protection of privacy too! ”Wrote the party leader from Saxony on Twitter. “The torch-lit march in front of Petra Koepping’s house must be condemned.”


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