Corona rules: Bundestag adopts new corona law – politics

pandemic:Bundestag passes new corona law


In the morning, the Bundestag debated the Corona plans of the possible future traffic light coalition. There was also Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD, right), here in conversation with Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU).

(Photo: dpa)

  • This Thursday, the Bundestag decided to change the Infection Protection Act, the so-called epidemic situation of national scope will expire next week.
  • The Federal Council should approve the reform on Friday, the Union threatens to blockade.
  • The federal states led by the CDU and CSU want a vaccination requirement for healing and nursing professions.
  • From 1 p.m. onwards, the Prime Minister’s Conference will meet with Chancellor Merkel via video.
  • An overview of the corona rules that currently apply in the federal states can be found here.

By Marija Barišić, Julia Bergmann, Thomas Hummel, Oliver Klasen, Philipp Saul and Kassian Stroh

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