Corona rules: Bavaria is rowing back in ski areas

Corona rules
Bavaria is rowing back in ski areas

Skiing will soon be easier again in Bavaria.

© Tomas Marek /

After criticism from professional associations: The Bavarian government is backing out and is allowing 2G instead of 2G plus in the ski areas.

The Bavarian government is rowing back when it comes to compulsory tests for skiers. In the future, the 2G rule will apply in the ski areas of Bavaria. The visitors must be vaccinated or recovered, but no longer need to show a current test. This was announced by the Deputy Prime Minister of Bavaria Hubert Aiwanger (50) at a press conference, among other things the “Allgäuer Zeitung” reported.

As with other leisure facilities, 2G plus has been in effect on Bavaria’s slopes since November 24th. In addition to a vaccination or proof of recovery, skiers had to be able to show a negative corona test in order to be able to use the ski lift or a gondola.

A mask requirement in gondolas and an occupancy rate of only 25 percent still apply.

Cable car association protested

The Association of German Cable Cars had run a storm against this decision, had warned of the emigration of ski tourists and closings.

Aiwanger then justified the course correction with the threat of tourists fleeing to other federal states or to neighboring Austria. After all, pure 2G has been in force there for a long time. In Switzerland you only have to wear a mask in the gondolas.

In the neighboring Bavarian state of Baden-Württemberg, 2G plus has also been in effect since December 4th. The ski areas in Saxony are completely closed.


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