Corona: RKI sounds the alarm and warns of a growing risk of infection

Rising incidences
“Probability of infectious contacts” increases: RKI sounds the alarm

Close together: the incidences are increasing dramatically, the risk of becoming infected increases.

© Daniel Kubirski / Picture Alliance

In view of the increasing corona infections, the RKI warns of the increasing risk of infection. If possible, citizens should get vaccinated and reduce unnecessary contacts. Most recently, the nationwide incidence rose from 118 to 130 within one day.

In view of the spread of the coronavirus in Germany, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) has warned of a growing risk of infection. “With the current seven-day incidence there is an increasing likelihood of infectious contacts,” said the latest weekly report on Thursday evening. It is “strongly recommended” to get vaccinated against Covid-19 and to ensure that you are fully vaccinated. What is meant is that you should also get the second injection, which is provided for almost all corona vaccines.

The possibility of booster vaccination should be used by the groups to which the Standing Vaccination Commission recommends it, it said. If you have mild symptoms, you should stay at home and get tested, if possible with PCR, tweeted the RKI. This also applies to those who have been vaccinated. Unnecessary contacts should be reduced and the rules of conduct for protection against infections should be strictly adhered to.

Sudden increase in all age groups

The RKI notes that the proportion of people who have been vaccinated has hardly increased in the past few weeks. Citing own calculations, it was said that a “pronounced effect” of the corona vaccination to prevent Covid 19 diseases and hospital admissions in Germany has been proven. The RKI compared the respective incidences in the unvaccinated and the fully vaccinated population.

Result: In the vaccinated population, both the weekly incidence of cases with symptoms and the incidence of hospital admissions were well below the respective values ​​of the unvaccinated population, it said. This applies to the two age groups analyzed (18 to 59 and from 60 years) and to the entire study period from mid-July to mid-October.

Regarding the general corona situation, the report says that the rising trend in seven-day incidences became visible in all age groups last week. Abrupt increases also affect older people – in people over 90, the seven-day incidence rose from 63 to 108 in a weekly comparison. There was again a significant increase in outbreaks in old people’s and nursing homes and medical facilities, it said. “This year’s case numbers are significantly higher than in the same period last year.” The RKI has been emphasizing since summer that it is expecting increasing numbers for autumn and winter.


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