Corona pandemic: When entering England, only a quick test is required

Corona pandemic
When entering England, only a quick test is required

When entering England, only one quick test is required for those who are fully vaccinated. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow / dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

England relaxes the corona rules on entry. However, only for those who are fully vaccinated.

A further hurdle has been overcome for those who are fully vaccinated when entering England. Instead of an expensive PCR test, only a quick test has been necessary since Sunday, which must be carried out by the second day after entry, as can be seen from the official travel rules.

However, this must still be booked with a government-certified provider. The tests are available from around £ 20 (the equivalent of around 23.60 euros), but they are quickly booked out for popular travel dates.

The high costs for PCR tests (around 50 pounds, i.e. almost 60 euros per test), which were previously necessary after entry, represented high financial hurdles for many British people when traveling. Vaccinated travelers who did not leave countries on the So-called Red List come, the tests can at least bypass a quarantine.

In Wales, the same changes are due to take effect a week later. Scotland and Northern Ireland are also expected to follow suit, but a date for the change is not yet known.


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