Corona pandemic: ++ Warning of “roller coaster ride” in infection numbers ++

live blog

Status: 02/04/2022 02:21 am

Intensive care physicians warn of a “roller coaster ride” in the number of infections if the restrictions are relaxed too quickly. The German Cancer Aid expects increased cancer mortality due to fewer cancer treatments and surgeries during the pandemic. All developments in the live blog.

2:21 a.m

Intensive care physicians criticize relaxation plans

Intensive care physicians warn of a “roller coaster ride” in the number of infections if the restrictions are relaxed too quickly. “Loosening of the corona measures, as some federal states have now announced, is too early,” says the President of the German Interdisciplinary Association for Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (DIVI), Gernot Marx, according to the “Funke Mediengruppe”.

The current measures have meant that the omicron wave in Germany is developing more slowly and not as steeply as in other countries. This success should not be jeopardized.

2:21 a.m

German Cancer Aid expects increased cancer mortality

Because the number of cancer treatments and cancer operations has fallen during the corona pandemic, the German Cancer Aid expects an increase in cancer mortality at the turn of the year. The CEO, Gerd Nettekoven, told the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung” (Friday edition): “Patients with cancer are often left behind in the pandemic. If the care deteriorates or diagnoses are made too late, this is also reflected in many cancer patients, however only with a delay.”

The Federal Statistical Office had previously reported that the number of inpatient cancer treatments fell by six percent to 1.45 million in the first Corona year 2020. At the same time, there were five percent fewer cancer operations, as the statisticians announced on the occasion of World Cancer Day this Friday.

1:53 a.m

SPD parliamentary group is aiming for the end of the Corona measures

The SPD parliamentary group is in favor of phasing out the corona restrictions in the Infection Protection Act. “In the next few weeks we will take our time to see whether it is even necessary to extend the corona protection measures beyond March 19,” says Johannes Fechner, parliamentary director of the SPD parliamentary group, according to a preliminary report by “Welt”.

The Greens parliamentary group, on the other hand, urges caution. “We will now not be able to do without certain measures such as the obligation to wear masks or a reduction in contacts,” says parliamentary group leader Britta Haßelmann.

2:21 a.m

Thursday’s live blog to read

The RKI sees an increase in infections with the omicron subtype BA.2 – albeit at a low level. In Leverkusen, the police searched the practice of a doctor. He is said to have issued false vaccination certificates. Thursday’s live blog to read.

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