Corona pandemic: USA: Corona booster vaccinations with Moderna recommended

Corona pandemic
USA: Corona booster vaccinations with Moderna recommended

The FDA panel recommends Corona booster vaccinations with Moderna. Photo: Rogelio V. Solis / AP / dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

The FDA panel in the USA has now also recommended Corona booster vaccinations with the Moderna vaccine for the elderly and risk groups.

After the approval of Corona booster vaccinations for the elderly and risk groups with the funds from Biontech / Pfizer, a panel of experts from the US FDA has also spoken out in favor of such vaccinations with the funds from Moderna.

People who have been vaccinated with Moderna and who are older than 65, as well as younger people who are at higher risk due to previous illnesses or their job, should receive a booster vaccination with half a dose of the agent at least six months after their previous second vaccination dose, the panel decided on Thursday. The panel’s recommendations are non-binding, but the FDA typically follows them.

The FDA had previously approved a booster vaccination for the elderly and risk groups with the means from Biontech / Pfizer, and these vaccinations have already started in the USA.

On Friday, the panel of experts wants to discuss possible booster vaccinations for people who have been vaccinated with the drug from Johnson & Johnson. Around 170 million people in the USA are vaccinated with the funds from Biontech / Pfizer or Moderna, around 15 million with those from Johnson & Johnson.


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