Corona pandemic: Spahn calls for federal-state meetings on booster vaccinations

Corona pandemic
Spahn calls for federal-state meetings on booster vaccinations

According to the Ministry of Health, all citizens have the right to a booster vaccination against Corona. Photo: Paul Sancya / AP / dpa

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Could booster vaccinations help break the fourth wave of corona? The acting health minister is promoting more booster vaccinations – and more speed.

To promote booster vaccinations against the corona virus, the acting Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) urges a federal-state meeting.

“Current data from Israel show that boosting makes a crucial difference in breaking the fourth wave,” said Spahn of “Bild am Sonntag”. “At the moment, the booster speed in Germany’s practices is not enough. We need a booster summit from the federal and state governments. “

The number of people vaccinated is only increasing slowly. A booster vaccination – the so-called booster vaccination – against the effect of the vaccine, which diminishes over time, is noticed by far fewer people than could. In particular, risk groups are recommended to refresh their vaccination protection. Politicians are desperately looking for concepts to encourage more people to do so. The health ministers’ conference will meet in Lindau from next Thursday.

Spahn had repeatedly advertised booster vaccinations in the past few days. In his opinion, the federal states should invite people over the age of 60, for whom this is recommended, in writing. The ministry also emphasized on Saturday that, in principle, all citizens are entitled to the “booster” vaccination. It referred to the vaccination ordinance.

The number of corona infections in Germany has recently risen sharply. As a result, concerns about renewed emergencies in hospitals are being voiced more and more loudly. The outgoing Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) warned against carelessness in dealing with the pandemic.


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