Corona pandemic: Grönemeyer: “Last two years a trauma for all of us”

Corona pandemic
Grönemeyer: “Last two years a trauma for all of us”

Herbert Grönemeyer wants to go on tour again. Photo: Hendrik Schmidt / dpa-Zentralbild / dpa

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The corona pandemic did not leave Herbert Grönemeyer unaffected. But in these exceptional times, the cohesion of the people is comforting.

Musician Herbert Grönemeyer does not see society divided despite the ongoing protests by corona deniers and vaccination opponents.

The 65-year-old said in an interview with the German press agency that pandemics and vaccinations were used by some to give free rein to their displeasure. However, society is not divided. «I see that a small part of society is trying to take advantage of this situation. But conversely, I also see that the majority of society holds together absolutely and deals with this situation in a very stable adult way. “

The cohesion of the people is comforting, said the musician. “I think these two years are a trauma for all of us that we are still in. The latent confrontation with it requires incredible spiritual support. “

Despite his privileged situation, Corona did not leave him without a trace. “The fears, the doubts and the paralysis in relation to this pandemic, of course, penetrate me just as much as they do with any other person,” said Grönemeyer. “It’s a complex mental state that keeps tearing open.”

According to Grönemeyer, Grönemeyer is not afraid of having to cancel his “Mensch” anniversary tour planned for next year due to a pandemic. “I think the fears are more complex these days, as far as people are concerned, as far as the threat from this virus is concerned. I think the concerts are not the most elementary thing that is at stake. So I’m not afraid of it, it would be a real shame. “

The tour next year is the first for Grönemeyer and his band after the “Tumult” tour two years ago. Eight concerts are planned in Germany. With around four million records sold, 21 gold awards and 95 weeks in the charts, “Mensch” is the most successful music album of all time in Germany.

Then as now it hit the nerve of the times: The album, which, according to Grönemeyer, is about departure and the way back to life, has “tragically great parallels to the time now”. “This solidarity and this belief in each other is now an attempt to get us out of this time and through this time,” said Grönemeyer of the dpa with a view to the corona pandemic.


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