Corona pandemic: Corona strategy: RKI wants to cancel major events

Corona pandemic
Corona strategy: RKI wants to cancel major events

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) calls for a return to massive restrictions in Germany. Photo: Sebastian Kahnert / dpa-Zentralbild / dpa

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In the fight against the virus, the Robert Koch Institute also calls on those who have been vaccinated to protect themselves better. Saxony’s Prime Minister Kretschmer warns of a humanitarian catastrophe.

In view of the force of the fourth corona wave, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) is calling for a return to massive restrictions in Germany.

One advises «urgently to cancel or avoid larger events as far as possible, but also to reduce all other unnecessary contacts», it says in the new weekly report of the authority. The municipalities demanded a uniform strategy. On next Thursday, the executive chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the prime ministers want to discuss the further course.

“A binding agreement between the federal government and the states is necessary as to how we can get through the winter with the current corona situation,” said the chief executive of the association of cities and municipalities, Gerd Landsberg, the editorial network Germany. This includes a strategy for the required booster vaccinations. “If possible, 20 million people should have received this vaccination by Christmas.”

The corona numbers have recently risen steeply in Germany. With 50,196 new infections within one day, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) announced the next high yesterday. The nationwide seven-day incidence jumped to 249.1 and rose to a record high for the fourth day in a row.

More and more clinics are reporting that treatments that are not absolutely necessary are being postponed and that intensive care units are at their limit. “If this dynamic continues, we will very soon only be able to treat emergency and Covid patients,” said Gernot Marx, President of the Interdisciplinary Association for Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (Divi), the editorial network Germany.

The RKI demands drastic changes in behavior from the citizens. If contacts cannot be avoided, you should always do a test beforehand, even if you have been vaccinated or have recovered, the experts advise in their latest weekly report. Vaccinated and convalescents should also wear masks and keep their distance. The RKI continues to rate the risk of those who are not or not fully vaccinated in Germany as very high. For those who are fully vaccinated, it is moderate, but increasing.

The incidences have been rising in all age groups for weeks. According to the RKI weekly report, the highest value is found among 10 to 14 year olds – with 411 reported new infections per 100,000 children in one week, 5 to 9 year olds with 345 and 15 to 19 year olds with 302. Tests are particularly frequent in schools.

The acting Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) and RKI President Lothar Wieler want to inform about the current situation this Friday morning. Because of the high number of infections, additional protective measures are becoming increasingly important. The SPD, Greens and FDP want to consult with experts about speeding up vaccinations.

Saxony’s Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) is no longer ruling out a new lockdown. His state has the highest numbers nationwide; according to the RKI, the weekly incidence has now exceeded the 500 mark. The 2G rule will not be enough in the fight against the current corona wave, said Kretschmer on Thursday evening in the ZDF program “Maybrit Illner”. “We have to add further instruments.” Otherwise the current situation could end in a “humanitarian catastrophe”.

Saxony-Anhalt’s Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff sharply criticized the corona plans of the traffic light parties in the federal government. “I consider the decision to end the pandemic emergency of national scope for a serious political mistake,” said the CDU politician of the German press agency in Magdeburg. “That is also a wrong decision in the matter.” The pandemic situation of national scope must be extended.

The potential government partners SPD, Greens and FDP want to let the special status expire on November 25th. The previous legal basis for corona restrictions is to be replaced by a new infection protection law, which is intended to legally secure a smaller catalog of possible corona measures.

FDP Vice Wolfgang Kubicki called on the Union to support. “The situation we have now, with 50,000 infections a day and the intensive care units running full, which happens under the current regime,” he said at “Maybrit Illner”. In addition, the epidemic situation will not be abolished, it will expire on November 25th – and no one in the Bundestag has yet attempted to extend the special status.


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