Corona pandemic: Controversial author and professor Bhakdi charged with sedition

anti-Semitic statements
Controversial author Bhakdi charged with incitement to hatred

One of the stars of the corona denial scene: Bhakdi poster at lateral thinker demo 2020

© Rupert Oberhäuser / Picture Alliance

The case had already been dropped, and now the general public prosecutor’s office in Kiel is taking it up again: The corona trivializer Sucharit Bhakdi is being investigated for incitement to hatred. The reason for this is anti-Semitic statements.

The Attorney General of Schleswig-Holstein has accused the microbiologist and author Sucharit Bhakdi of incitement to hatred. According to a statement, she accuses him of inciting hatred against Jews living in Germany in an interview in April 2021 in connection with critical statements about Israel’s vaccination policy with generalizing statements and of having maliciously made contempt of them as a religious group.

Talked about a second holocaust

The prosecution also alleges that Bhakdi gave a speech at a campaign event on September 24, 2021 in Kiel in which he spoke of the approval of Covid 19 vaccines in connection with an “ultimate goal”. He spoke of a second Holocaust, which played down the fate of Jews under the Nazi regime.

The public prosecutor’s office in Kiel initially stopped the preliminary investigation against Bhakdi. The Attorney General’s Office later took it up again. The procedure is to be negotiated at the district court in Plön.

Misleading Corona theses

Bhakdi was Professor of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene in Mainz. Experts – such as his former institute at the University of Mainz – classified several of his theses on the Covid pandemic as misleading or wrong. He is considered one of the stars in the lateral thinker and corona denier scene. His book “Corona False Alarm?” was one of the best-selling non-fiction books of 2020.


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