Corona loosening: New Zealand opens borders for 60 countries

Status: 05/02/2022 08:36 a.m

After two years of lockdown due to the corona pandemic, New Zealand has reopened its borders to visitors from 60 countries. According to experts, the tourism industry is unlikely to recover for the time being.

For the first time in two years, New Zealand has reopened its borders to international guests – as one of the last countries in the Asia-Pacific region. For the time being, only twice-vaccinated visitors from 60 visa-exempt countries, including Germany, Austria and Switzerland, are allowed to enter.

“Today is a day to celebrate and a big moment in our reconnection with the world,” said Tourism Secretary Stuart Nash. Today alone, 21 planes from overseas were expected to arrive at Auckland’s airport in New Zealand.

The authorities continue to require a negative corona test before departure in the home country and a second when entering New Zealand. Tourism experts criticize the adherence to this regulation. “Countries like Australia, Great Britain, Denmark and recently Fiji have lifted this requirement,” Radio New Zealand quoted a spokesman for the New Zealand tourism company House of Travel as saying. This makes travel easier for holidaymakers. “That’s why they’re probably more likely to travel to those countries than to New Zealand.”

Ardern: 90,000 flights booked to New Zealand

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern expressed optimism that opening up the country would boost tourism again. In the seven weeks since the reopening was announced, more than 90,000 people had booked flights to New Zealand.

“Our tourism industry has felt the effects of the global pandemic very badly.” They are now working hard to prepare for the tourists, said Ardern. However, there are no immediate plans to relax virus testing and vaccination requirements for tourists.

Recovery not expected until October

The tourism industry does not expect the sector to recover until October – also because winter is just beginning in New Zealand. Before the corona pandemic, three million tourists visited the country every year. The industry contributes more than five percent to the New Zealand economy.

New Zealand, with its five million inhabitants, has long been considered a model country in the fight against the virus. The island state had largely isolated itself from the outside world in March 2020 and at times pursued a so-called zero-Covid strategy.

More than 80 percent of the five million inhabitants have now been vaccinated against the corona virus. This prompted the government to gradually relax the restrictions in recent weeks.

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