Corona: Lauterbach criticizes the FDP and sees more corona protection measures for autumn

Germany After compulsory vaccination

Lauterbach criticizes the FDP and sees more corona protection measures for autumn

Peak of the wave exceeded – Lauterbach and Wieler on the Corona situation

At first there were only signs, now the RKI is certain: the peak of the corona wave has been passed. However, experts still speak of a high infection pressure. Health Minister Lauterbach and RKI boss Wieler provide information about the corona situation in Germany.

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In view of the high corona numbers, Health Minister Karl Lauterbach has ruled out further easing. He sees the failure of compulsory vaccination as a clear defeat. Lauterbach spoke of a “bad week for the protection of the population”.

BHealth Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) criticizes the FDP for their majority rejection of compulsory corona vaccination in the crucial Bundestag vote. “The parties that decided to make this a party-political issue were essentially two,” said Lauterbach on Friday in Berlin, without naming the parties specifically.

“I don’t expect anything from one party and I would have hoped for yesterday’s state support and solidarity from the other,” added Lauterbach. He was obviously referring to the CDU/CSU and the FDP. Both parliamentary groups voted almost unanimously in the Bundestag on Thursday against the draft law for mandatory vaccinations from the age of 60, supported by Lauterbach and many other members of the SPD and the Greens.

Lauterbach ruled out further easing of the corona measures. “We have no more leeway for further easing,” he said. It is important to maintain the mandatory isolation for corona infected people. Lauterbach had recently announced that it would be abolished and took it back a little later.

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He expects that the measures will have to be tightened again in the fall, said Lauterbach. “In autumn we will probably not go into the expected wave for the third time in the best possible way.” It is not yet possible to say which variant will then dominate. However, there are already signs that the Omicron variant is changing.

“Prerequisites for new variants optimal”

“The conditions for new variants to emerge are currently ideal for the virus,” said the SPD politician, referring to the high number of cases. One could probably “not go into autumn without a mask requirement”. In addition to the autumn wave, a summer wave can also be expected.

With a view to the vaccination requirement rejected by the Bundestag, Lauterbach spoke of a “clear and also bitter defeat” for all supporters and of “bad news” for all vulnerable groups. “It’s been a bad week for protecting the population from infection,” he said. However, assigning blame in relation to the lack of votes in the Bundestag is not expedient.

He does not expect another attempt at compulsory vaccination: “I am pessimistic. I don’t think we will have any fruitful talks in the next few weeks.” He doesn’t think it makes sense to introduce individual components of the original proposal – such as an obligation to provide advice – into the legislative process.

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The SPD politician campaigned for a fourth dose of vaccination for people over 70 years of age and people at risk. “The fourth dose is used far too little.” The vaccination centers are currently “well able” to immunize people. In addition, a new creative approach is needed for a vaccination campaign. Lauterbach called for “really creative advertising that explains well and provides good reasons”.

The President of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Lothar Wieler, also spoke out in favor of a fourth vaccination dose on Friday. He called on people who were infected but not previously vaccinated to get vaccinated. Only then can “the best protection” be achieved. In addition, you should wear masks indoors “on your own responsibility”, according to Wieler.

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