Corona infection: federal and state governments disagree on new isolation rules

In case of corona infection
Question mark about free testing: federal and state governments disagree on new isolation rules

Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach: “Solution with a sense of proportion”

© Annette Riedl / DPA

Free testing or not? There are differences between the federal and state governments about the design of the future isolation rules for people infected with corona. A patchwork quilt is in the offing.

There are differences between the federal government and individual states about the exact design of the future isolation rules for people infected with corona.

Bavaria’s Minister of Health Klaus Holetschek (CSU) told the Düsseldorf “Rheinische Post” on Monday: “We see the question of free testing a little differently than the Federal Minister of Health.” Bayern wants to do without the tests. However, Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) reiterated his position that free testing after five days of isolation is strongly recommended.

The recommendations for isolation officially presented by Lauterbach on Monday stipulate that this can be ended after five days if those affected are symptom-free. A free test is therefore recommended, but not mandatory.

In many federal states, the regulation has so far applied that the isolation for corona infected people can be ended after seven days by free testing. Otherwise the isolation ends after ten days. Bavaria and Saxony, among others, had already reduced the previous mandatory isolation of infected people from ten days to five days.

“The federal and state governments are playing with fire with the new test concept”

Lauterbach described the new isolation rules as a “solution with a sense of proportion”. He assumes that most countries will follow suit. This should give the signal “that it is not a question of flu”. If infected people meet other people, this could endanger lives.

Holetschek said, however, that there is no general recommendation in Bavaria to test yourself after the end of the isolation if you are symptom-free. Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse, among others, wanted to do the same. According to him, something different applies to facilities such as hospitals and care facilities in Bavaria. The vulnerable groups must continue to be protected “and are the focus of our efforts,” emphasized the CSU politician.

It was also determined in the Free State that people who work in these facilities must present a negative test result and be symptom-free before returning to work. Visitors to these facilities would also be tested.

The German Foundation for Patient Protection criticized the fact that the employees in the facilities can also use rapid tests here. “The federal and state governments are playing with fire with the new test concept,” said the foundation board member Eugen Brysch of the AFP news agency. “There must be no free testing of medical and nursing staff through citizen tests. Covid is not a trifle.” Especially the millions of the vulnerable group, who usually live at home, should only be cared for by non-infectious people. “A rapid test cannot guarantee that.”


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