Corona in Bavaria: More power to act for headmasters – Bavaria

Piazolo: Principals can send entire classes home

Tuesday, February 1, 2:19 p.m.: After much criticism of the Corona rules for Bavarian schools, they will be adjusted in one point: In the event of major outbreaks, headmasters will be able to send entire classes home and to distance learning for five days. In these cases, you no longer have to wait for instructions from the health department, but can act independently. This was announced by Minister of Education Michael Piazolo (free voters) on Tuesday after a video switch by the cabinet in Munich, in which some headmasters were also connected. A “serious accumulation” of corona cases can be assumed if around 50 percent of the students in a class are affected, said Piazolo.

Formally, this is not a formal quarantine order for the class or the other children – the health department remains solely responsible for this. In the future, however, the headmasters can decide whether certain classes have to switch to distance learning due to the large number of corona cases. This can and should happen much earlier than is currently often possible given the massive overload of many health authorities. Pupils who test positive must continue to go home immediately and in isolation, as before.

The Ministry of Education is giving in after much criticism from teacher, parent and student associations. Most recently, in a letter to schools and parents, the ministry not only emphasized that the responsible health department alone decides who has to go into quarantine, but also explicitly stated: “Until a possible quarantine order is issued by the health department, the other students in the class attend continue the lesson.” This sparked the sometimes clear criticism – because some schools had apparently acted more independently beforehand.

Vaccination fraudster flies up at Munich Airport

Tuesday, February 1, 2:07 p.m.: An all-too-new-looking yellow vaccination booklet belonging to a 39-year-old passenger arriving from Istanbul has aroused the suspicion of the federal police at Munich Airport. And the officials were not wrong. Upon closer inspection, they found that two Biontech stickers with stamps and signatures from the vaccination center in Bremen, dated July and August 2021, were obviously fake. A call to the vaccination center in the Hanseatic city showed that, firstly, no vaccine doses from the batch had been vaccinated there on the days in question and secondly that the alleged patient was not listed with them. The woman from Kiel was allowed to return home without a vaccination card, but with a complaint about suspected forgery of documents.

Wrong doctor vaccinates against Covid-19 – process begins in Traunstein

Tuesday, February 1, 1:21 p.m.: A false vaccination doctor will soon have to answer to the district court of Traunstein. The man, according to earlier information a theologian, is said to have vaccinated people against Covid-19 hundreds of times without a doctor’s license and cashed in for it. The charges include dangerous bodily harm, forgery and commercial fraud.

The public prosecutor accuses the man of having worked at the Rosenheim vaccination center from February 3 to March 23, 2021 and at the Karlsfeld vaccination center (Dachau district) on March 16, 2021, although he neither had a license to practice medicine nor completed a medical degree had. As proof of his supposed qualifications, he is said to have produced a forged license to practice medicine that he had produced himself.

According to investigations by the public prosecutor, the man had injected himself a total of 306 times and supervised injections by medical professionals in 1,144 cases. Initially, however, there were no indications of health complications among the vaccinated. The man is said to have drawn up invoices of more than 21,000 euros for his work in the vaccination centers. In fact, however, he was only paid an amount of 1100 euros. The trial is scheduled to begin on February 10. Nine days of negotiations are scheduled until May 12, ten witnesses and three experts are to be heard.

Again many demos against Corona measures

Tuesday, February 1, 7:23 a.m.: As in the previous weeks, numerous people took to the streets again this Monday evening in Bavaria against the current corona policy. In total, several tens of thousands of people protested at more than 100 meetings, as a request to several police headquarters revealed. The protests remained mostly undisturbed and peaceful.

In Regensburg, however, a 26-year-old suffered serious head injuries in an argument. Paramedics took him to a hospital. According to the police, two groups clashed on the sidelines of a meeting and several people were injured. Further details were still unclear. In addition, a 23-year-old injured a police officer with kicks and punches. Around 530 people met in Regensburg for a “walk”, many refused to wear a mask. The police broke up the gathering.

In Nuremberg, 2,500 people demonstrated, in Bamberg and in Landshut around 2,000 each. In addition, the praesidia reported many other protests, some with several hundred participants. In Middle Franconia alone there were 36 meetings with a total of around 6400 participants – last Monday there were around 8500. Also in Neu-Ulm and Ulm, with a few hundred participants, there was far less influx than last time. The weather would certainly have had an influence, said a police spokesman. For Tuesday night, wind was forecast in many places and snow was forecast in large parts of Bavaria.

Incidence in Bavaria rises to 1421.7

Tuesday, February 1, 7:01 a.m.: The incidence in Bavaria continues to rise: it was 1421.7 on Tuesday and 1384.6 on Monday. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), only twelve of the 96 districts and independent cities are now below the 1000 mark. The health authorities in Bavaria reported 26,098 new cases to the RKI in the past 24 hours. 44 people died from or with the corona virus in the same period.

The districts of Starnberg (2847.5) and Dachau (2630.3) as well as the cities of Rosenheim (2137.1) and Ingolstadt (2020.4) continue to report the highest incidence values. The city of Erlangen has the lowest value with 632.6 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the past seven days. The number of corona intensive care patients has also increased slightly. According to the Divi intensive care register, 336 corona patients were treated in intensive care units in Bavaria’s hospitals in Bavaria on Tuesday morning. On Monday there were 328. Almost half of the corona intensive care patients in Bavaria had to be artificially ventilated.

Violation of corona restrictions: a good 100 people celebrate an illegal party in Zirndorf

Monday, January 31, 5:10 p.m.: More than 100 people are said to have celebrated an illegal party in Middle Franconia over the weekend. At the sight of several police patrols, numerous guests at the celebration in Zirndorf (district of Fürth) fled, the police said on Monday.

The officials met 63 people in the apartment building, all of whom were reportedly reported for violating the Infection Protection Act. An 18-year-old wanted to hide from the police on the roof of the house, it said. He fell down and was slightly injured.

After the police had left, about 20 partygoers near the house continued to party and played loud music with a ghetto blaster, the police said. The officials then returned, secured the device and finally broke up the celebration.

Ministry: Two percent of teachers are absent due to Corona

Monday, January 31, 4:23 p.m.: According to the Ministry of Education, around two percent of all teachers are currently at home for corona reasons. According to reports from the Bavarian schools, 1.6 percent of the teachers were not in face-to-face classes on Monday due to a positive Covid 19 test and 0.43 percent due to quarantine, the ministry said on request. Another small part (0.09 percent) was not available for normal lessons due to a medical certificate related to Covid-19, belonging to a risk group. “Currently, no school is in complete distance teaching,” emphasized the ministry.

Incidence in children partly over 3700

Monday, January 31, 4:05 p.m.: The corona incidences among school children in Bavaria are constantly reaching new record highs. In the most affected group of six to eleven year olds, it has now reached a value of 3727, as the State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL) announced on Monday. That’s an increase of a good 70 percent on the value reported a week ago.

In the 12 to 15 year olds, the incidence is 2,569, in the group aged 16 to 19 it is 2,183 and thus well over 2,000. Here the increases are somewhat slower than among younger schoolchildren. The fourth highest incidence is found in children up to five years with 1707. According to official reports, this group had long been among those affected below average.

The LGL still shows the lowest incidences for the groups of 60 to 79 year olds with 411 and from the age of 80 with 300. The fact that regular testing for schools and kindergartens makes it easier to detect cases could contribute to the high incidence figures in children and adolescents. At the same time, the State Office points out that the high number of cases could lead to delays in reporting and a higher number of unreported cases.

Schreyer calls for narrowly limited 3G exemptions in buses and trains

Monday, January 31, 12:20 p.m.: Bavaria’s Transport Minister Kerstin Schreyer (CSU) calls for an exception to the 3-G rule in local public transport for people who cannot be vaccinated against Corona for medical reasons. In a letter to Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP), Schreyer demands that local authorities be allowed to make exceptions – the federal states should not be allowed to do this alone.

The existing regulations would effectively exclude those people from any social participation who could not be vaccinated for medical reasons, who lived outside of metropolitan areas and did not own a car and who therefore had to use the bus and train to travel to the next test site according to Schreyer’s letter to Wissing.

“Test stations are not available within walking distance everywhere and not at all times of the day, and taxis are not an alternative transport option everywhere. This is particularly true in rural areas,” emphasizes Schreyer. Nevertheless, the passengers there are also dependent on an available mobility offer.

The 3G rule in local public transport means that only vaccinated, recovered or currently negatively tested people are allowed to use public transport such as buses and trains.

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