Corona in Bavaria: How the Southeast lives with the virus – Bavaria


Andreas Glas, Matthias Köpf and Christian Sebald, Traunstein

The seven-day incidence is 272.8, the contacts of the infected can no longer be traced, even with great effort. “So contacts have to be fundamentally restricted,” said Prime Minister Markus Söder as a reason when the Free State imposed a local lockdown for the Berchtesgadener Land in October 2020. The next day the streets empty there, life stands still. Now, barely a year later, the incidence in Berchtesgadener Land is 262.4, currently the highest value in Germany. Traunstein and Rosenheim also remain stable above 200, and although the Bundeswehr is helping out again, the health authorities there have long been unable to trace all the contacts of the infected. Everyday life, however, looks exactly the same in the south-east as it does everywhere in Bavaria. Classes are on at the schools, people shop, and there is a party in the clubs. The region lives with Corona, of necessity. There will probably not be a time after the virus, but what could a future with the virus look like – and when should it begin?

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