Corona in Bavaria: All developments in the news blog – Bavaria

Seven-day incidence remains stable

Monday, July 5th, 6.58 a.m .: The incidence in Bavaria is stable in the low range. The value on Monday is 5.6 unchanged from the previous day, as reported by the Robert Koch Institute. However, there have been changes at the top of the list. If the Lichtenfels district was at the top for days in a nationwide comparison, it now only has an incidence of 3.0. The list is now headed by the district of Aschaffenburg with 16.9, followed by the state capital with 11.6 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the past seven days. Munich had the lowest value this year with 8.4 on June 25th. Since then the number has increased slightly but steadily. Ten cities and districts are considered corona-free with a value of 0.0.

Police in Bavaria: Not a single corona infection recognized as an accident at work

Sunday, July 4th, 7:28 pm: In Bavaria, not a single corona infection has been recognized by police officers as a work accident. As the responsible Ministry of Finance, in coordination with the Ministry of the Interior as the employer, announced in response to a request from SPD MP Stefan Schuster, since the beginning of the pandemic there have been 79 applications for such “work accident recognition “(as of mid-June). The regional associations of the police unions DPolG and GdP had advised members in the case of infections, especially with more serious courses, to have a work accident diagnosed – not because of the acute care, which is already regulated; but because of long-term damage that might not be noticeable now. According to media reports, there is movement on the subject in other federal states. According to this, Berlin has recognized a third of the applications from police officers. In Lower Saxony, the state and the union have concluded a model lawsuit agreement.

Söder demands vaccination recommendations for adolescents from Stiko

Sunday, July 4th, 1:57 p.m .: Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) relies on the vaccination of schoolchildren in the fight against the highly contagious Delta variant of the corona virus. “The Stiko should urgently consider when it recommends vaccinating young people,” he wrote on Twitter on Sunday. That would increase protection for everyone and give freedom back to a generation that had to forego a lot. The Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) has not yet issued a general vaccination recommendation for children and adolescents from the age of twelve. She recommends vaccinations only for 12 to 17 year olds with certain pre-existing conditions. The committee justified its recommendation, among other things, with the fact that the risk of severe Covid 19 disease for this age group is low. The delta variant is also spreading increasingly in Bavaria. Most of the registered cases are in Munich. According to statistics from the State Office for Health (LGL), 170 Delta cases were found in the state capital by Saturday (July 3). Until June 1st, there were 29.

Financial support for freelance artists extended

Sunday, July 4th, 12:32 p.m .: The Corona aid for self-employed artists in the Free State will be extended up to and including December. From Monday on, artists and members of culturally-related professions can again submit applications via Bayern Innovativ, for the period from July to December 2021, as the Ministry of Art announced on Sunday. The financial aid of up to 1180 euros per month is intended to replace lost income. It is the third round of applications since the beginning of the Corona crisis.

Art Minister Bernd Sibler (CSU) spoke of a “security package” for artists and organizers, which – in combination with other aid programs and consistent opening steps – would stabilize the art and culture scene in Bavaria.


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