Corona current: Scientists criticize “image” policy

The Alliance of Science Organizations has harsh criticism of the corona reporting of the image– Newspaper practiced. This is one-sided and directed against scientists who put their expertise at the service of politics and society in order to counter the pandemic. As an example, the alliance, to which the most important scientific organizations in Germany belong, cited an article that appeared on December 4th under the title “The Lockdown Makers”.

The Berlin Humboldt University (HU) has lodged a complaint against the contribution with the German Press Council. Scientists from the HU, including the physicist Dirk Brockmann, were described as “lockdown makers”, the university announced. In this way, it is suggested to the readers that scientists are responsible for political decisions. But this is not the case. The Presidium of the Humboldt University is against such false claims and is protecting each of its members who are defamed in this way, it said.

In its appeal, the Alliance of Science Organizations explained that the newspaper used formulations in its reporting that were defamatory of the scientists. This could contribute to a climate of opinion that leads to physical and psychological violence. “From the point of view of the alliance, such forms of discussion are in no way acceptable and contradict the basic rules of a free and open society and the basic principles of our democracy,” said the Science Council, which is currently in charge of the alliance. In crisis situations such as the pandemic, objectivity in reporting is particularly important.

A spokesman for the Axel Springer Group image-Zeitung announced at the request of the German Press Agency: “We can understand the criticism and take it seriously. Scientists deserve our respect.” Criticism of scientists and their proposals must be possible, “but always appropriately exercised”. The spokesman also referred to a statement by the image-Editor-in-Chief Johannes Boie, which was published in the Monday edition. It says: Anyone who governs this country, changes it and determines people’s lives must endure criticism. Especially by journalists. “Conversely, criticism must be appropriately exercised. This also applies expressly to image. “

In addition to the Science Council, the Alliance of Science Organizations also includes the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the German Academic Exchange Service, the German Research Foundation, the Fraunhofer Society, the Helmholtz Association, the University Rectors’ Conference, the Leibniz Association, the Max Planck Society and the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina. (06.12.2021)

Wüst thinks small family celebrations are possible

Family celebrations on a smaller scale at Christmas will be possible according to the North Rhine-Westphalian Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst. “What we have agreed upon so far allows family celebrations in a small room, with the restrictions that have been agreed,” says Wüst when visiting a vaccination center in Düsseldorf. “And I think you should do that too.” When asked whether further tightening of the requirements to contain the pandemic are necessary, the CDU politician says that we have to wait and see how the applicable rules prove themselves and how people react – “before we continue to turn the screw.”

The designated new Minister of Health, Karl Lauterbach, had previously made a similar statement. At the presentation of the SPD cabinet members in the Willy Brandt House, he said that the new government must now resolutely fight the pandemic and promote the booster vaccinations so that at least a modest amount of travel would be possible at Christmas. (December 06, 2021)

Incidence is rising again slightly

The nationwide seven-day incidence is rising again somewhat. On Monday morning, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) gave the value as 441.9. Yesterday it was still at 439.2. The same day a week ago at 452.4 (previous month: 183.7). The health authorities in Germany report 27,836 new corona infections to the RKI within one day. Exactly one week ago it was 29,364. According to the latest information, 81 people died within 24 hours in connection with Corona, compared with 73 people a week ago.

When evaluating the infection rate, it should be borne in mind that experts are currently assuming a noticeable underreporting. Health authorities and clinics can no longer keep up with reporting cases, at least in individual regions. (December 6th, 2021)

Apothekerverband Nordrhein: Still delivery bottlenecks for tests

The North Rhine Pharmacists’ Association expects shortages of corona rapid tests for weeks. “Corona tests are often scarce. An end to the delivery bottlenecks is not yet in sight,” said association boss Thomas Preis der Rheinische Post.

“Currently the numbers in the test centers are increasing by ten percent a week. December will be the month with the most citizen tests.” The sale of self-tests is also increasing. At the same time, there are supply problems: The freight options from East Asia are limited, and clearance at customs takes a long time.

“So far, many tests have been on sale as special approvals. These special approvals are no longer being extended. This also creates further bottlenecks,” he explained. (12/6/21)

Thuringia’s interior minister worried about the recent corona protests

Thuringia’s Interior Minister Georg Maier (SPD) is concerned about the recent Corona protests in Thuringia, but also in Saxony. “That is fundamentally worrying,” he told the editorial network in Germany.

The protests are “partly organized by right-wing extremists” who are sometimes downright “euphoric”. It is “not completely inexplicable” that, because of the new 2-G and 3-G rules, it is mainly unvaccinated people who take part in the marches.

“You will now find that life is very difficult,” he said. Protests in which masks are not worn and minimum distances are not adhered to cannot simply be accompanied. “That’s too defensive for me.” But one also has to be careful that the violence does not escalate. In any case, participants would have to expect financial consequences. For example, 60 euros would be charged for not wearing masks and 100 euros for not wearing the minimum distance. Anyone who organizes such protests could be fined several thousand euros.

In the meantime, the police in Dresden are preparing for a large-scale operation. The emergency services expect a protest from opponents of the Corona policy in front of the Saxon state parliament. The reason: Parliament wants to decide on Monday noon on the determination of the epidemic situation in the Free State.

The police in the state took action again on Sunday evening in several cities against unauthorized rallies with hundreds of opponents of the corona policy. There had already been demonstrations at various locations over the weekend, although the Corona Emergency Ordinance only allows stationary meetings with up to ten participants.

In particular, a protest on Friday evening caused a stir when 30 opponents of the Corona policy gathered loudly and with torches in front of the house of Saxony’s Health Minister Petra Köpping (SPD). The police have reported the violation of the Assembly Act and are investigating violations of the Corona Ordinance. Politicians bipartisan condemned the gathering. (12/6/21)

Union parliamentary group leader Brinkhaus: School closings must not be a taboo

Union parliamentary group leader Ralph Brinkhaus calls for a further tightening of the corona measures and does not want to rule out school closings in particularly affected regions. “In areas with high incidences one must also think about temporary contact restrictions for vaccinated people,” said the CDU politician to the newspapers of the Funke media group. He feared that the latest federal and state resolutions will not be enough to break the wave and quickly push the number of infections down.

School closings are a significant burden for the children, but also for the parents. “Of course it must be the aim of the school ministers to keep the schools open as long as possible with mask requirements, tests and ventilation,” said Brinkhaus. “But there must be no taboos for regions with very high incidences.” (05.12.2021)

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