Corona current: No free tests from October – Politics

The federal government wants the free corona tests for citizens to end in October. This is reported by several media, citing a draft resolution for the Prime Minister’s Conference this Tuesday.

To the According to editorial network Germany it says: “The free citizen tests have made an important contribution to interrupting the third wave of the SARS-CoV2 pandemic in Germany permanent assumption of the costs for all tests by the federal government and thus the taxpayer is not shown. ” Therefore, the federal government will end the offer of free citizen tests for everyone. An exact date is not in the proposed resolution. It is only spoken “with effect from October 10, 2021”. The exact date will be determined.

At the same time, people who have not been vaccinated or recovered should have to show a test for certain projects. the mirrors reportedAccording to the draft, this should either be a rapid test, which must not be older than 24 hours, or a PCR test, which must not be older than 48 hours. The tests should, for example, be necessary nationwide for access to hospitals and nursing homes, participation in events and celebrations indoors including church services, the use of body-friendly services, indoor sports and accommodation.

Scholz gives music clubs no hope

SPD chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz does not give the music clubs in Germany high hopes for a quick withdrawal of the requirement to keep a mask and distance. “The risk of infection is of course greatest when you come close together,” said the Vice Chancellor and Federal Minister of Finance at an election event of the SPD with representatives of the showman, catering and event industries at the Hamburg Cathedral. “We will not take any decisions on Tuesday,” he said, referring to the discussions between the heads of state and the Chancellor.

At the same time, he warned of the increasing number of corona infections. “I want to spread the optimism that we are already on the way out of the crisis. And I say that knowing that the number of infections will rise again,” said Scholz. Anyone who is not vaccinated has a high chance of being infected. “And with all the consequences that the infection had a year and a half ago. That means there will be people who will become seriously ill. There will be people who will die from it.”

Last week, LiveKomm, the association of music venues in Germany, presented an opening concept with a view to the Bund-Länder-Round that would immediately remove the mask and distance obligation for live and club events as well as the complete lifting of all corona restrictions for the Foreseen indoor area from October. Instead of the mandatory antigen tests, only PCR tests should allow access to the clubs.

In contrast to the situation a year ago, many people have now been vaccinated – if not enough, said Scholz. “And that is why we will not just look at the number of infections, but also at hospital occupancy and the question: How are the intensive care units being used to capacity?” You have to “feel your way” “Because there will be more infections again in autumn. And then we have to see how we can safely navigate through it. Always with the goal: None new lockdown. “

Scholz does not believe that in future, instead of the antigen, only the more expensive PCR tests should be permitted in order to be on an equal footing with those who have been vaccinated and those who have recovered – as proposed by his successor in Hamburg City Hall, Mayor Peter Tschentscher (SPD) necessary. “I think the point now is that we continue these rules that we have,” he said. “And we now have a great many antigen tests available too.”

Incidence rises to 23.1

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reports 1183 new positive tests. That is 336 more than on Monday a week ago, when 847 new infections were reported. The seven-day incidence increases to 23.1 from 22.6 the previous day. The value indicates how many people per 100,000 population have contracted the coronavirus in the past seven days. Two other people died related to the virus. This increases the number of reported deaths within 24 hours to 91,784. In total, more than 3.79 million corona tests have so far been positive in Germany. (08/09/2021)

Head of the health committee warns of “sword of Damocles” lockdown

At the upcoming virus summit, the chairman of the Bundestag’s health committee, Erwin Rüddel (CDU), wants to take a new direction in the government’s corona policy. “The question arises as to whether our society cannot also withstand providing adequate care for those who deliberately do not allow themselves to be vaccinated and then become seriously ill, instead of frightening and damaging the entire country and the economy with the sword of Damocles of lockdown “says Rüddel der picture-Newspaper.

The signal must come from the Prime Minister’s Conference that “there will be no more automatic lockdowns – not even for those who have not been vaccinated”. It must be ensured that the incidence is no longer used as a guide for the corona situation. In view of the vaccination rate, the incidence no longer says anything about the actual burden on the health system. (08/09/2021)

Greens boss Habeck calls on unvaccinated people to overcome their own “indolence”

Greens boss Robert Habeck has urged unvaccinated people with clear words to vaccinate. You have to “give your weaker self a strong kick in the buttocks, so overcome this indolence, which probably a large part of the people still has in them”. It is not about excluding unvaccinated people, said Habeck, but about giving back basic rights and a free life to those who have been vaccinated. You have the right not to be vaccinated. “But you do not have the right that all vaccinated people and the rest of society and the children take it into account because you have decided to endanger your own life and society,” said Habeck in the ZDF summer interview.

Union parliamentary group leader Ralph Brinkhaus also expects that the pressure on people who have not been vaccinated will continue to grow. The vaccinated are mad at the non-vaccinated, Brinkhaus said World on sunday. Because they experienced that they did not get their freedoms back in full despite the corona vaccination. “I think the pressure from the vaccinated part of the population will increase enormously. And that is completely understandable.” Too much is being talked about an alleged indirect compulsory vaccination and too little about the rights of those who have been vaccinated, said the CDU politician. “But I assume that it will take care of itself in the fall, because hoteliers, clubs and event organizers will say: Sorry, you just can’t get in to me with a test.”

On the other hand, Union Chancellor candidate Armin Laschet spoke out in favor of the “3-G rule”. “The state must not exclude those who have been vaccinated, recovered or tested from participating in social life,” he said Picture on sunday. Bremen’s mayor, Andreas Bovenschulte, does not believe in any disadvantages for people who have not been vaccinated. “I think you can go further with conviction than with pressure. At least that is the experience we made in Bremen,” said the SPD politician Handelsblatt. In view of rising incidences, the prime ministers want to discuss how to proceed in the pandemic with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) on Tuesday. (08/08/2021)

“EM games in Munich were not a source of infection”

According to the Bavarian Ministry of Health, the European Championship games in Munich “made no significant contribution to the infection rate in the Free State”: only five corona infections in connection with attending a European Championship game in Munich were reported to the State Office for Health. Around 14,500 spectators were each admitted to the four Uefa Euro 2020 games in Munich in the Allianz Arena.

A ministry spokesman said 18 corona cases across Bavaria were associated with public viewing events around the game days. In addition, five visitors to a European Championship game abroad were then tested positive. Bavaria’s Health Minister Klaus Holetschek (CSU) said with a view to future major sporting events: “We need strict adherence to the hygiene concepts, especially in autumn, when the framework conditions change again due to possibly increasing numbers of cases, new virus variants and increased staying in closed rooms!”

A ministry spokesman said the results of an internationally attended Europe-wide sporting event in June with a very low incidence could not easily be transferred to Bundesliga games in autumn or other major sporting and cultural events. No Covid case in connection with stadium visits was reported from other federal states. (08/08/2021)


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