Corona crisis in Ebersberg – no visits to the district clinic – Ebersberg

The Ebersberg district clinic draws conclusions from the worsened corona infection situation. From this Friday until further notice, there will be a general ban on visits to protect patients and employees, as those responsible say. It was handled similarly in the previous corona waves.

Some exceptions are possible – with the prior approval of the ward doctor or ward management. An accompanying person is allowed into the delivery room, more precise requirements are on the clinic’s homepage ( to read. Visits to patients on the palliative care ward or in the dying phase on other wards are still possible, as are visits for special medical-nursing reasons, for example if patient-related regulations such as transfers or powers of attorney have to be made.

The clinic management points out that a special permit must be obtained before the visit and that access is only possible via the central emergency room. Visitors are required to wear an FFP2 mask and maintain a minimum distance of 1.50 meters from other people. “If the hygiene rules are violated, the clinic management can issue an expulsion from the hospital and unfortunately we will have to do this to protect our health as well,” the clinic management writes in its press release.

The number of Covid-19 patients in the district clinic is increasing. There are currently 15 in total, seven of them are in the intensive care unit, six are also ventilated there. Only one of the patients in the intensive care unit is vaccinated. A total of nine of the 15 patients are not vaccinated. In addition to the confirmed cases, the clinic also reports three suspected cases.

On the Corona dashboard on the District Office’s homepage, you can find numerous information on the Corona situation in the district, as well as the occupancy of the intensive care units with Corona patients in the Ebersberg, Erding and Freising area:, “Corona information page” section. The district office points this out in a press release.

Another death in connection with an infection with the coronavirus has been reported to the health department. The now deceased was born in the 1930s, as reported by the district administration. The number of deaths since the beginning of the pandemic has risen to 187.

After a slight decrease on Wednesday, the value for the seven-day incidence rose again on Thursday; according to the dashboard of the Robert Koch Institute, it is now 321.3. This means that the Ebersberg district will almost certainly officially become a corona hotspot, as it has now been redefined by the cabinet. Hotspots are counties in which, on the one hand, the seven-day incidence of 300 has been exceeded and, on the other hand, at least 80 percent of the intensive care beds are used – both of which are currently the case in the Ebersberg district. If it stays that way, 2G will be introduced in many facilities and events where the 3G rule previously applied, so only those who have been vaccinated and recovered will have access, but not those who have been tested. The gastronomy, accommodation companies and body-friendly services are excluded here. Here it stays with 3G plus. In addition, the 3G rule would then also apply in the workplace in many areas.

There are still many opportunities in the district to get vaccinated, for example in the vaccination center in Ebersberg on Sparkassenplatz from Tuesday to Saturday from 8.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. and at the vaccination station at the Segmüller furniture store in Parsdorf from Monday to Saturday daily between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. . The vaccination bus will be in the following locations for the next few days: Friday, November 5th, Glonn Town Hall, Marktplatz 1, 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, November 6th and Monday, November 8th, Zorneding, Rewe-Markt, Georg-Wimmer-Ring 6, 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, November 9th, Ebersberg, Autohaus Grill in the Ebersberg business park, 9.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday, November 10th, Glonn, Ettenhuber company premises, Am Hochrain 2, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

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